Citizen X.
I will post a new link, I did not notice the date of the article.
Edit: I changed the link.
Thank you, I edited it.
You are making claims and arguing in a way that prove to me that you don’t have any arguments to defend your opinion, neither articles to read in general.
I am sure All the billionaires who own pay-walled media companies, thank you for your contributions.
Thank you for arguing with me for several comments, without having any thing to say.
Have a nice day.
I don’t get your opinion.
I scroll in my feed for articles that interest me and ignore the others.
I am not interested into both articles, so I would ignore them till I find a interesting thing to read. How much time did it take for me here for 2 articles? 5 seconds max.
If I found a article that I am interested in, then I read it which would take anywhere between 5-20 mins.
Following less news sources, won’t benefit me at all.
Anyway, you seem to be focused on arguing without having any real argument to defend your opinion.
Reverse the question, many of us don’t have access to pay walled media, so why post it?
I did not mean ‘widen’ in that sense—reading and being informed is not about the quantity of news one can swallow in a day, you know—but with the idea of reading different sources.
I don’t know what are you digging into.
Also, may I ask how can you be reading three fucking hundred news sources regularly (not daily, obviously) with any sort of attention?
I read by hour, due to my free time(usually it does fetch 50 articles per hour, much less on holidays and I only read the interesting ones to me.)
It’s pretty perfect for me.
I follow more than 300 news sources by RSS (all without paywalls), how wide you want me to go?
Also they say it clearly on their chrome repo that you can install it only using one specific browser, otherwise no.
What can the people who use Chrome or Firefox from the Play Store do to get it? They can’t.
Why not block both as orginal links?
No paywalls or Archive links.
But they are not accessible to smart phone users.
Are you suggesting that Propublica and The Guardian for example to have a hard paywalls?
Paywalls literally exist to support billionaires and their media empires.
How accessible is this to smart phone users?
While it’s kind of easy to bypass paywalls on desktop, it’s hard to do it on smart phones.
But it will eat a share of the pie, which is kind of good for killing Reddit.
A lot of people think that Twitter as an example died overnight, it did not.
Mastodon took a good share of users out of it and then Bluesky came and finished it off.
Giant platforms don’t die, they just keep bleading users till they become irrelevant(as Tumblr fer example).
I had never seen a single community that apply that. There might be a one that I did not notice, but otherwise there is not a single community that has any rules about this.
Better sources to read this investigation:
No paywall and non-profit websites.
I posted this here for people interested in downloading it.
Wait a second, so if anyone found a 1KG of gold he is still pretty average?
I am surprised.
Were you a Stack Overflow moderator before?
If I was on Reddit, I would have said Rip DM.