What do you mean no safety net? They just live with and serve their husbands. He is the safety net.
The world really kind of needs more buckets besides “NSFW and SFW”.
Also, frankly, I think sexual repression is just a HUGE part of the control mechanisms these people employ. Basically, “joy” is seen as a “sin” because there should “only be joy in God” or some stupid bull shit. You are supposed to take bride in being as missrable as possible so in the afterlife you will get eternal joy or whatever.
Go on…
Its also, honestly, just really hard to find people on Mastodon.
I even purposely avoided the free Fortnite Cybertruck.
Do they still let you charge for free on the Tesla network?
Charge it during the day, run your house off of it at night when you are home. Save electricity.
I am already doing like, 50% of your suggestions, just to survive.
I’m not eorried about it.
The planet is already going to purge humanity from its face by 2050 or so anyway from the Climate Change crisis.
The US is already over mate.
Thats the goal.
Evennif somehow there is another election, everything will be too broken to even begin to repair it.
Peoppe voting based on border walls, are entirely doing it because they think “all mexicans are violent rapist criminals.”
Its not about jobs or even immigration, its about racism.
If they really cared about jobs they would fight back against all the Indians on H1B Visas taking all the tech sector work.
Its HDMI only.
The Wii someone else suggested may be a good way to go, I think they are fairly easy to get a hold of. I have not personally modified a Wii yet but its next ony todo list for console upgrades.
Off the top of my head, I caught this Jazz group called Marbin at a local event (very small festival in a small city). I bought several of their CDs afterwards. Here is a random video.
I modded my PS Mini for PS1 games. Its pretty simple.
I bought a 3rd party drive adaptor without a network port and had to load my games on my PC using a network enclosure.
It was still a pain. Its all soooooo slow and buggy.
Once Inwas bored and started playing Contra, without the Konami Code. On a NES.
Its one of those games that just loops when you finish it.
I finally stopped a few hours later after like the 4th or 5th loop.
Another fun one was finishing GTA3 100% on PS2, without saving or dying or getting arrested
Thats probably pretty accurate. I did have a class in High School where we drove on highways and what not. I am not sure it was a reauirement.
Its been almost 30 years since I got my loscence and I don’t recall ever doing any renewal tests either besides the eye test where you look into the machine bolted to the counter.
Ha ha ha.
History teachers will only be teaching the approved curriculum about how God Emperor Trump the First blessed us with his presence to purge the world of the Satan led Communist Woke Transgender Army™.
To suggest anything else happened, even in jest, is a treasonous executable act good sir, and you have been reported to the X Office of Wrongthink.
I do thank you for the opportunity as it means my family will have enough rationa for the month thanks tonthe reward program.