Damn it! I just started a new good campaign because I knew I’d need to run an evil one when this dropped. Oh well. Time to abandon another campaign.
Damn it! I just started a new good campaign because I knew I’d need to run an evil one when this dropped. Oh well. Time to abandon another campaign.
Ah, that makes much more sense.
Most likely.
Also how the hell does he wind up still going to that school after he already threatened to shoot the place up? At least when I was going to school anything even close to that would get you kicked out and put in the special troubled kid school.
So far they’re just saying “AR platform” which could mean anything.
I hate how news agencies do that shit. People who don’t know anything about guns see that and see “big scary automatic military rifle with 1 gajillion round magazine”. Where in reality a ton of guns from tiny handguns to .50 beowulf big game rifles use the “AR platform” just because it’s an old enough design to be public domain. Saying it’s an AR platform gun tells us exactly nothing.
Com* on now
Fix*d this for you. Watch your languag*! Th*r* ar* childr*n h*r*! C*nsor your profanity.
Same here except my navbar is missing entirely.
My city actually has surprisingly decent cops. They regularly train with the county social workers for conflict de-escalation and dealing with neurodivergent individuals. So I’m normally not too hesitant to call them. I’ve had to call them for various instances minor and otherwise and they have always conducted themselves very well. However if you go one town over the cops are known for being maladjusted shitbags that will use every opportunity they have to exert their power over someone. So if I’m in their jusrisdiction then I will never call the cops unless it is literally life or death. So it really depends on where I am.
They can if you take enough of them.
Bad news guys. Sauron now know everything that Pippin knows. Good news. Pippin doesn’t know a damn thing.
FBS doesn’t contain cells. It’s a chemical/protein mixture used to grow various cell cultures. On It’s own it doesn’t do anything. It just contains most of the things that growing cells need.
I actually know very little about it though. Check out The Thought Emporium on youtube if you want a better look at how it is all done. They do all sorts of fun stuff like engineering yeast to produce spider silk, growing neurons and using them for basic computation, making a meat berry, and using a genetically engineered virus to cure their lactose intolerance for a while.
Edit: Also that youtuber did some testing on replacing FBS and the growth medium with other substances with some sucess. If I remember correctly, they found that for growing regular muscle cells they could replace like 60% of the FBS needed with egg yolk without harming the cells. But that’s still an animal product so it’s still not exactly vegan.
Not yet. Growing cells in a lab still requires fetal bovine serum which is obviously an animal product. There is work going into replacing it with a synthetic alternative but, to my knowledge, noone has been successful yet.
A company I used to work for outsourced most of their coding to a company in India. I say most because when the code came back the internal teams anways had to put a bunch of work in to fix it and integrate it with existing systems. I imagine that, if anything, LLMs will just take the place of that overseas coding farm. The code they spit out will still need to be fixed and modified so it works with your existing systems and that work is going to require programmers.
Conspicously leaving random packages around town is how you get the bomb squad called and you wind up in an interogation room.
Wait, selective service wasn’t automated? When I turned 18 my card just showed up in the mail. I didn’t have to do anything to get it.
The Silt Verses - A fantasy horror podcast where gods are real, spawned solely through belief, feed on sacrifices (usually human), and have been corporatized. It’s amazing and the series just recently finished so there’s no waiting for the next episode to drop. Easily the best podcast I’ve ever listened to.
Sawbones - An awsome medical history podcast by Justin and Dr. Sydnee McElroy. Sydnees part is pretty obvious, she’s a family medicine doctor and she researches and presents historical bits about all the ways we have tried to do medicine throughout history. Justin is just Justin, he’s a podcaster and games journalist by trade so he’s mainly there as a layman and as comedic support.
The Magnus Protocol - Fantasy horor that I’m having trouble expplaining but it’s damn good. It’s made by the same creators that did the magnus archives. When they announced it on kickstarter after the magnus archives was finished they quickly earned over $700,000 so that should be some indication of how much people liked the magnus archives and the budget for the show.
So buy some cough syrup and sprite. Also most cough syrup has acetaminophen in it so I hope you didn’t need that liver.
I always loved parking my tiny mazda pickup right next to the biggest truck in the lot.
I’m not arguing the philosophy. It’s a wonderful idea. As someone who regularly drives a stick shift I very much wish that it would work. But like many wonderful ideas it doesn’t survive contact with actual humans. In any large city if there is a car length open in front of your vehicle then someone will be zipping into it. I’ve had people do that while we’re traveling at 65mph let alone in slow moving traffic. If you keep sitting there and letting people go in front of you until there is room then you will not move and you will probably get shot by one of the people stuck behind you. It’s like if you were at the grocery store durring a busy time and you kept telling people to go in front of you then you wouldn’t be able to check out until everyone was gone.
I think they meant where as in physically where so they can go there.
This right here it the proper way. Another trick is to wrap some bacon around your bell housing. When you can hear the bacon sizzle then you know you’re doing it right. The grease from the bacon also helps keep the clutch disk nice and lubricated.