I tell terrible jokes.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2022


  • Fuck off you smug piece of shit. You libs really don’t get it.

    Every socialist in the west was like you at one point, in the same smugly ignorant position they were trained to be in, with massive blind spots towards socialism, finding every excuse in the book to think you’re “smart” despite not actually doing any effort to learn more or challenge your preconceived notions, to dismiss everything that challenges you out of hand, thinking this is “critical thinking” when it is actually just intellectual laziness.

    We have challenged our preconceived notions about these places, we have actually looked, and actually investigated, we were the ones choosing not to be intellectually lazy and blindly support the status quo opinion, thinking it is intelligence. You’re not willing to listen, or learn, and I’m not going to be doing your thinking for you. You have a brain, please use it for something other than being smug on the internet. Or if you can’t handle that, at least go and be smug and unpleasant somewhere else.

  • I’m really not sure what you mean. I think these people, while they do consider their actions “moral” aren’t making a huge risk in quitting their job, which makes the decision much easier for them. It’s hard to say something is a genuinely “moral” decision when it doesn’t actually put them in any danger or cause any issues to them, if it is a decision that ultimately just lets them keep coasting along with their comfortable life it isn’t really a moral decision, it’s a PR move. If they do actually put themselves at risk, they are actually willing to sacrifice their own comforts for others, they actually want to help others, then I would be comfortable calling it a proper moral decision.

    But I’m not at all going to bat for western journalists, I agree with you completely on them. They care far more about their job security than they do actually making any sort of change in the world. They will gladly cheer on a genocide and try to trick the public into cheering it on too. They care more about money and their “career” than they do about human life. They’re despicable ghouls. Or not even ghouls, they’re foul maggots feasting on the scraps the ghouls leave behind.

    Sorry if that wasn’t clear in my earlier comment.

  • At least prices are now rising more slowly — what’s called disinflation.

    Jesus Christ, I can’t even with these fucks. These fuckers spend their time trying to define away everything inconvenient to them.

    “Although lower prices may seem like a good thing,’’ Banco de España, the Spanish central bank, says on its website, “deflation can in fact be highly damaging to the economy.’’

    How so? Mainly because falling prices tend to discourage consumers from spending. Why buy now, after all, if you can purchase what you want — cars, furniture, appliances, vacations — at a lower price later?

    A fucking child has a better understanding of economic crises than these morons. They get paid 6 figures, if not millions to waffle on about completely wrong nonsense. They should lose all their money and be forced to “bootstrap” themselves out of homeless and extreme poverty, give them a bit of fucking perspective.