Though the company that provided security for the event has been identified, town hall organizers and Kootenai County Sheriff Bob Norris have claimed no knowledge of the security personnel or who hired them.
Coeur d’Alene Police Chief Lee White confirmed Sunday that the men who dragged Teresa Borrenpohl from the meeting worked for the private security firm LEAR Asset Management.
Reached by phone on Saturday and Sunday, the firm’s owner, Hayden resident Paul Trouette, declined to comment.
Ask LEAR Asset Management why they had plain clothes employees infringing on the first amendment.
Coeur d’Alene city code requires security agents to wear uniforms “clearly marked” with the word “security” in letters no less than 1 inch tall on the front and no less than four inches tall on the back. The security personnel at Saturday’s town hall were in plainclothes, with no visible sign they were security.
Lear Asset Management, Inc.
Private Security Solutions
Idaho continues to be a third world country.
That’s hilarious.
Make knock off products.
Make knock off stamps to ship the products.
Do they rip the worst farts or am I just telling on myself that pizza rolls give me room-clearing war crimes-level gas bombs?
That’s what my dog does.
He tears into the couch in one side of the house to get you annoyed, then runs to eat cat litter, then runs upstairs to take the kid’s toys.
Do enough chaos to get something and tire us out.
The comments here are smug as fuck.
Addy user here! Been using it for years now and just last week, I saw an uptick in one of my aliases. Turned it off with a single toggle and no more spam.
The ability to self-host is awesome if I ever get to that stage. But right now, I want to keep giving them money.
That’s how Reddit was in the beginning.
Back then, you used to show someone “the front page of the internet” and it would literally be jailbait and tech news.
The defense of “it’s so easy just pick a server” is getting exhausting.
The average person wants something that works.
Some VR games, you have a sword. Some, you have a bow.
A bunch are very much like Wii-style bowling & sports simulations.
Some are adventure games. And some are puzzle games.
But I want AI to convert my mp3s to Oggs and vice versa 😭😭😭
Not some stupid “conversion library” or whatever that is
I would have disagreed with you when Pis were like $50 and chaining 3 Pis together with a hard drive was a fun project to do self hosting.
Now to get to the beefiest raspberry pi, it’s $120. And in the range, yeah, for price and reliability, use a mini-pc/laptop.
Not me! I got Kingdom Come for either under $5 or free last year.
So I expect to get the sequel at the same price in about six years.
Also the whole Gamersgate backlash that the lead was actively encouraging, and now the dev arguing against the anti-woke crowd… Yeah I’m not in a rush to give them money.
Thanks for the write up! I had no idea this is why Suicide Squad was such a letdown.
Wonder woman is, in my opinion, an odd choice for a video game. I think it could be really good, and her rope would translate well to video game mechanics, but it doesn’t feel like Wonder Womans time to shine right now
Id argue that I felt the same about Batman not being translatable to a game during the 2000s. Video games based on comics were absolutely awful. Superman 64 was a nightmare, and Batman games were beat-em-ups or platformers.
But really smart creatives made the Arkham series work. So I’m optimistic that in the hands of strong visionaries, it’s absolutely possible.
Now, do I think WB has the capacity to make a good Wonder Woman game? Haha nope. Not after what they’ve shown in the last few years.
Some people need to be separated. This isn’t about censorship, it’s about group dynamics.
Let’s take it from both angles - just to avoid politics. A disruptive kid in a classroom affects every other kid. Get rid of that kid, and suddenly the whole classroom improves. Everyone can agree to that.
The other side - a company has a pro-union worker. Shitty company doesn’t like not controlling their workers, so they find a way to fire them.
Back to the Nazi, separate them from the rest of society. We don’t need them.
Edwin Evans-Thirlwell 3223 Staff 23 hours ago
I have lost my job to wider cuts a few times myself and on reflection, I think I prefer being “aligned” or “realigned” inasmuch as it makes me feel like a cool laser satellite. But I am not immune to the frictive charms of being “restructured”, which makes me feel like a Transformer
I absolutely love the comments on RPS. It’s hits like these which makes me keep coming back.
I regret not making friends with the neighbors who owned chickens. They’re sitting on bird gold.
In a room full of dickheads, it’s often the loudest dickhead that gets their way. Often it’s the CEO.
Pretty much. These commenters seem to believe engineers are given all the resources needed to deliver everything in time in perfect condition.
Every single company.
All it takes is your favorite company to suddenly be run by a CEO who wants to maximize profits or increase shareholder value, or worse, think they’re God’s Gift to the World. Or in the flip side, they’re fighting for survival so they have to make scummy decisions to keep afloat.