It’s what the title says, i don’t want to be posted on fricking instagram and my school didn’t ask for anyone’s consent. It’s not just one, it’s severeal. How can i make instagram remove them? Thank you for your help

edit 1: thanks for the heads up, especially for the ones who seem truly interested to help me in this matter. So what i did till now is to send an email to my school collaborator (which is a scholastic figure who is responsible for the management of the school in general) requesting the deletion of the images depicting myself.

This is the complete request translated in english: Hi, I saw that recently several photos have been posted by the school account on instagram that depict me. I kindly request the removal of the aforementioned photos, since I have not given consent (or if given, withdraw such consent) to the publication of my image online on accounts not controlled and managed by me. I explicitly ask you to avoid “censoring” my image, but to commit to deleting the photos in which I am present, in order to avoid any kind of retaliation against me. Please let me know if there is anything else I should do to complete this process, thanks for your cooperation.

I’ve also tried to let instagram delete these images through this link but i don’t know if it was successful or not because i gave them an email as contact info but i didn’t receive anything yet.

I’ll let you know how this ends Update: Today, during class hours, I was summoned by the principal to their office. They wanted to discuss with me the content of that email, specifically they asked me directly severeal things. They asked me if i was in any kind of “danger”, since i wrote, in their opinion, a sentence that could be interpreted as a sort of announcement of possible danger on my side. They were referring to this sentence contained in the email: “…in order to avoid any kind of retaliation against me.”. I replied to them that i was merely referring to possible social judgment that could come from my classmates and/or erasmus participants after seeing my face censored or any photo deleted on any school social account.

They asked me the reason why i wanted those photos to be deleted, to which i replied that i didn’t enjoy the idea of having my likeness shown in social accounts that i don’t own and don’t have access to (they even posted me on facebook by the way).

So, that mocking removed of a principal, replied to me saying that apparently my dad did sign the privacy waiver back when he enrolled me to my school so basically i have no right to request the deletion of the photos and neither having my face censored because, since i’m a minor, my dad signed it. I then asked them if it was possible to withdraw such consent, and they replied that it was possible but my parents are in charge of it, not me. They then warned me about having called my parents asking, prior to our meeting, if they remember signing the waiver, to which they replied “yes” (but of course when i advancely asked them if they remember signing anything, they said idk/i don’t remember) but not only that, they even said that my parents weren’t willing to withdraw any consent regarding my image usage nor any privacy related clauses (thanks mom, thanks dad, as always).

Set apart the mockings about how this request of mine was only a fixation and that there could not be any kind of social retaliation against me because students won’t give a damn about why my face was censored (which is a good things, except that it’s not how it works here) and they instead focus on studying (biggest lie i’ve eve heard, my school sucks ass when it comes to having committed students, no coincidence that i was the only one able to speak english among the erasmus participants) and that i should do it too instead of thinking about these things… set apart that, since i was exhausted i said fine, i’ll be waiting till i’m 18 years old and then you’ll remove those images. They basically said (NUH UH) that they’re not going to delete any photo since the purpose of erasmuses, as a European initiative, is to disseminate, which means publicize this initiative and that the best they can do is to “censor” my face. I replied to them that it was their choice, and not this kind of erasmus purpose, to not commit deleting the images in which i was present. I said whatever, as long as my face is censored, i can sleep well at night but they said that they are gonna censor me as the law requires… great, what does it mean? It means that they’re just gonna be putting a black bar to cover my eyes. Oh that’s awesome, haha facebook, got you there, i’m unrecognizable now!

So what can i do now? My last resorts are either to convince my parents to withdraw such consent or to continue emailing instagram about deleting the photos in which my face is shown. Instagram in the end did respond to my request but, they were asking me the exact position and description of me in the photo, so that they can verify that i am indeed in that photo (how exactly? I don’t know since i could be faking it). Isn’t that like telling facebook who i am , which is exactly the contrary to the purpose of my request? What are your opinions about this?

  • /home/
    1 year ago

    If they don’t agree to take it down tell them you don’t consent to it or something and you’ll get more involved in taking it down. Letting them know because of privacy will make it become more normalized. If more of your friends who were posted without their consent spoke up about it, this could be a serious issue and maybe they’ll even use pixelfed one day. It’s a long shot but little things like this will bring awareness to people.

    For example, over the past few years I’ve been just living my life on a linux computer, grapheneos phone, using foss and encrypted messengers. My friends and family questioned it and I explained to them and a couple them now wanted to get started on this privacy journey. They’ll probably get their family and friends to take notice and explain it to them too, then, it’s a whole movement now.

      1 year ago

      Android is probably my biggest privacy hole right now. I’ve considered alternatives but none of them particularly appeal to me. I moved away from Gmail, Google Voice, Chrome/chromium, deleted Facebook, etc… But android has some deep tendrils.

      What’s your take on Graphene?

      • /home/
        1 year ago

        Graphene is as good as it can get when it comes to privacy and security. You get lots of control over what apps can have permission to do like accelerometer sensors in addition to all the other controls regular phones get. It’s more stable than the last time I used calyxos. If I show my phone to people they see it as a regular Android phone and wouldn’t think twice about it. You can download apps through aurora store or google play store if you wish and there’s some kind of segmentation done if you choose to download from the latter.

        Their website is good if you wish more information.

    • Gush@lemmy.mlOP
      1 year ago

      I will definetly not back down. Your comment and many others helped me understand how important it is for me to stand up for myself in these kind of matters