Ctr +f “cybertruck”: 0 results
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Ctr +f “cybertruck”: 1 result
Lol you moro…oh, okay
There’s two results now!
Pfff as if i could afford to make that mistake
Pretty much anything Elon Musk. I used to be an Elon Musk fangirl up until 2018, then each successive year was like the cutscene of Crash Bandicoot having all the boxes he’s missed falling on his head.
With 2018 you are waaaaaaay ahead of the most other people.
2018 was when he called the diver a pedo? That was the moment for me. I thought he was an awkward nerd trying to make electric cars a thing against all odds, an underdog. That was the moment I looked more into him and saw how wrong I was.
Word for word, same. That shit was so fucking left-field, stupid, toxic, and offensive that it broke the camel’s back, hard
You probably (already) love thunderf00t videos. If not, look him up.
I prefer Common Sense Skeptic, really good Musk related videos
His Elon Musk videos, and debunking other tech bro bullshit, absolutely, but I stopped watching him as the channel became too clickbaity/sensational for me to take seriously. I still agree with many of the opinions, but the format is not for me anymore.
I enrolled in Aerospace Engineering in 2018 because of Musk.
Part of why I never graduated was the gradual loss of faith in the person who had inspired me. Although he has actually never changed.
I remember on Reddit one awful “This is Musk. He didn’t like ___, so he invented ___” picture with like 4 examples of things he stole and a stick figure with his head. “Be like Musk” was the bottom text. I agreed with it at first, then I saw it like 6 more times.
Being annoyed at those constant repost made me leave his fan club pretty quick. Oh how naive I was, thinking the worst thing he could be was annoying.
I’m definitely one of those leoy but it took me until a couple years ago to start disliking him since I was a lot less active on social media and keeping up somewhat on news other than what I’m interested in. Definitely wanted one of his boring company flamethrowers when I heard about them but now I’d ironically wanna torch one of them.
Can’t get it refunded now
That’s definitely a lesson
After a couple thousand hours in KSP1, I still managed to dodge that bullet. The only new feature I really cared about was multiplayer, and I knew it wasn’t going to happen when they they started early access without it.
I don’t know, the ksp redux project that a lot of the ksp2 modders are working on sounds pretty promising.
I have a bit more confidence in kitten space agency.
Oh man idk how to react. It’s been only 3 years & I’m still not sure lol
CGPgrey’s AI and his self driving cars videos.
Definitely made some poor choices in life due to these that I could scream into a pillow. The future is always unpredictable, and while behind the scenes I’m sure a lot happened to improve both of these technologies, more than a decade later the use cases of both are still the same - grifting investors.
Can you clarify? Are you calling CGP a grifter, or did he just make a wrong prediction?
Sorry, was half asleep when I wrote that.
CGPgrey did make a ton of prediction on the future of these 2 technologies, but did overestimate their potential in the near future. That much is evident 10/8 years later. The only thing they really excel at is getting money from starry eyed investors, which you can then run away with. Same as it was back then.
I like CPG gray as a content creator, but he did do that and the Royals video. I dunno. libs were really starry eyed back then.
Doing a PhD. One more year and then I’m free again…
You’ll make it. I, too, fell for it.
At least you learned how to make a killer Latte.
Stalker 2.
I didnt just buy the game once, I paid for a “collectors edition” with a bunch of physical merch that I wont see until may or june. and even briefly volunteered to be a community mod. sifting through waves of hateful filth from hostile actors within the “community”. there is a LOT of Russian incited hatred against the game because of the fact the game was Ukrainian
I got incredibly hyped for the game because I had been waiting for it since the late 2000s. watched it die and come back from the dead, and it looked awesome.
the sad reality was that it needed more time in the oven, and I dont think they had a choice. I think they were forced to release it in the state that it was because they couldnt afford another year of no sales and surviving off investors and pre-orders. so what we got was like a 7/10 and it needs a lot more work.
and the political situation in their country where as many as 1/3 of the staff still live and work, is tenious by the day, they are absolutely fighting World War III over there. and some countries are trying to stab them in the back, telling them to just go surrender and get murdered…
My only real gripe with it so far (only 6 hours logged because I’ve been waiting for improvements) is the performance. Like when I installed kcd 2 now I expected to have to go in and turn down some settings because the first one was quite heavy to run. But no, right out the box it runs amazingly on all ultra (with dlss enabled as a caveat). I’m just waiting for some random youtuber to say “oh the deva forgot to set this one flag in the level editor and now it runs three times better”.
Music. Way too many albums are that one decent song you hear on the radio and 38 minutes of filler shite, and you could never take it back to the shop to get a refund for being full of shite. So all my music is pirated first, purchased second, and anyone that objects to this is basically admitting that their industry is based on selling shite that can’t be refunded.
I bought the finger eleven CD. So, can confirm. I also bought Cult Ceremony, thinking it would be anything like Sonic Temple. This just means I don’t learn.
album sales can’t be refunded? I bought one physical CD, and one full album for download. Never wanted to refund either purchase, never found out that it’s not possible. But really? It’s not possible to get a refund from buying a physical album?
It’s to prevent people from buying the CD, ripping it (or taping it back in the day), and returning the CD with a free copy of the music.
Have you thought about having better taste and listen to bands other than one-hit wonders ?
Hey! I thought we lost you! We need you back at Unhelpful Back Handed Comments.
Not stuck anymore but I was for like a month. I bought Pretty Litter cause multiple drag queens I liked told me to do so. That is the worst goddamn litter I have EVER used in my life. The smell was horrendous, the dust was so so bad I actually couldn’t even be in the next room when my partner did the litter because of my allergies, and our house looked like a fucking beach. Fuck those people. (And shame on me for falling for goddamn ads)
Is it for cats?
Yeah it’s marketed as being able to detect urine irregularities in cats so it changes colour with their pee. It also supposedly “locks” in the smell which, to their credit, I couldn’t smell the cat shit, all I could smell was dust.
It’s also made of silicone which, you know, not meant to be eaten so I’m sure that’s great for cats to have in the fur they clean with their mouths.
I really didn’t do my research on this one.
I never fall for hype, never pre-order. life is good
Oh, no! They’ve fallen for the “don’t pre-order” hype!
I stopped watching movie trailers years ago. Now, my friends just tell me, “Go watch this movie,” and it’s made for an amazing movie-watching experience.
For example, I walked into the theater to watch The Lighthouse without knowing anything about it.
Movies are so much better when you have no idea what to expect.
Did that with star wars ep 7, 8, 9. Of course there was stuff I didn’t love but I didn’t walk away from the movie feeling robbed.
Also great when reviews don’t predetermine your expectations
I’ve only bought a couple early access games, but in both cases I played the demo long enough to justify the purchase price.
Tasmanian devil ankle tattoo.
Fuck, I know alright? It was 93 and I was barely 16
That’s one tattoo I can respect.
I’m pretty now that ankle socks are back in style, ankle tattoos of oldie cartoons are 100% allowed and cool again.
Nevermind: I got confused, ankle socks are out of style now.
Ceramic pans. Thankfully I only bought one.
Yup. I own a few of them and they all are falling apart basically
The Le Creuset kind? Thought they were buy it for life
Retro handhelds.
? I enjoy mine very much. In what whay do you regret it?
I’m only partly kidding. I do play from time to time, but not as much as I thought I would, hence the “regret”. Nostalgia is a powerful drug.
Steam Deck emulation takes care of that itch for me.
Crypto. I didn’t spent a ton, but I didn’t make a ton either. I’m net up now but it’s so stupid.
I made 2K on Doge a few years ago, but ever since I’m just sitting on it. It’s not a loss unless you sell.
I’ve been shuffling a few thousand Doge on the peaks and valleys ever since the SNL Spike. Sell a thousand at .20, buy it back at .15.
It’s softened the blow, and I think overall, I am slightly ahead. (As long as it doesn’t crash to 0) I’ve given up on the moons, but I’ll keep holding and hoping it gradually climbs before it dies.
Could better to cut your losses and reinvest
I don’t know. I’m thinking of selling off my traditional stocks before they tank any more.
Untraditional stocks without a long history are ‘statistically’ riskier
An Indigogo electric bike campaign… 10 years ago. It was a scam and I lost a lot of money. Subsequently I have built 5 e-bikes on my own and do not regret it, they are wonderful. But, no crowd-funding for me, ever again. Also, I am anti pre-ordering anything in general.
Do you have any resources on how you built said five bikes? I would love to work on something like that this spring
Sure! It has been a couple years since my last build, but I found a lot of great information on a website called endless-sphere. I also only use a battery supplier called EM3EV - they fuse each cell and generally have great quality packs. Bikes-direct also has quality bike platforms for builds, including fat tire bikes.