More dataisdepressing than dataisbeautiful

    11 hours ago

    I’m pretty sure women don’t want to date people who have any sort of disposition that leans towards hating them or believing that women are lesser than men.

    Unfortunately, a lot of men learned that way of thinking early in life(from family and/or media) and it ruins any attempt at a relationship, then they blame women and run to the very people who set them up to fail for validation, or find new ones like that sex trafficker with the pizza boxes, or that canadian psychologist who sugar coats sexism online. Repeat ad nauseum.

      1 hour ago

      That was the mainstream 70-80 years ago. Late 90’s and early 2000’s largely (not completely; nothing is perfect) corrected that, although there was still work to be done. For a brief couple of decades, society enjoyed unadulterated equality underpinned by meritocracy.

      Nowadays men are checking out because modern society overcorrected to the point of them feeling rejected and hated… and unfortunately shithead lowlives like Tate capitalize on that. There are also academics like Peterson whose messaging is too nuanced for the average liberal to comprehend without bias (that’s legitimately difficult to do especially when one’s doctrine actively teaches and encourages ignorance and rejection of opposing views) - kind of like the reverse Tate fanboy, i.e. flaming liberal commie/socialist that would rather dump oil on priceless paintings in museums and run around naked while screaming in people faces while blocking major arterial streets in a busy city in the name of climate change or veganism or some other shit. So on one hand you have Tate fanboys (borderline classical Nazis) and on the other extreme of the spectrum you have overgrown narcissists (basically grown-ass adult toddlers that never developed a proper superego, to use Freudian parlance). I wouldn’t expect an adult toddler with deep-rooted indoctrinated biases to be able to consume or critically analyze any kind of nuanced opinion that did not 100% align with their own… heck, one SJW blue haired leftie with a law degree told me that Peterson’s original argument was that he did not accept trans people, and were genuinely surprised to learn that his sticking point was about compelled speech (weaponized anti-misgendering legislation), rather than being or nor being transgender.

      So from the “incel” perspective (and I am usijg that term rather cynically here, as today’s “incel” is basically the 90’s average 20-30 year old man with classical liberal leanings) on one hand, you have people screaming at you how you’re the problem, you’re a nazi, an incel, blah blah blah, and on the other hand you have people who remind you of the “good old days” when you could settle down, buy a home with a picket fence, a car, a dog/cat, a couple of kids and live your damn life in peace… with a bit of 40-60’s sexism/nazi-ism (depending on who you listen to) sprinkled in. Now whom are you going to listen to as a cis white straight male (the majority of males, BTW)? Hmmm… I wonder…

    • Echo
      11 hours ago

      I have an old high school friend who is very much into the whole Andrew Tate thing. His parents were separated, I don’t know the details as to why, but I do know that his father was a lot more stable than his mother, and I do sometimes wonder if he had lived with his father, if he would have turned out better.

      He also thinks the earth is flat because… otherwise a ball would roll off a table. QED.

      So not exactly firing an old cylinders to begin with.

        5 hours ago

        “Divorced dad energy” is one of those meme things that everyone likes to make fun of when a dude does anything, but no one likes to address that same poison when divorced moms act like fools.

        My mother would drag me to various groups that would absolutely shit on “men” constantly, and I got to hear that constantly. It was weird growing up in that environment, but luckily for me it was before the redpill trash all over the internet. Managed to find some good friends in high school

        10 hours ago

        That’s a interesting point. My mother was substantially more mentally stable when I was a child then when my siblings were born.