• 155 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I can’t describe how absolutely idiotic your comment makes you look.

    Indian diplomats, ambassadors, Prime Ministers, Presidents, politicians, workers (both blue & white collar), some corporates have worked hard for 75+ years to create goodwill for India abroad. This goodwill earns India opportunities for import-export business, FDI, employment, study scholarships, diplomatic support, emergency support (remember the medical equipment & oxygen supplies foreign countries sent over during covid?), emergency food imports, co-operation in finding escaped criminals, tourism including medical tourism.

    If you think India can wreck hell around the world and assassinate whoever it wants to because US needs it against China, then you are mistaken. India’ll end up marked as a terrorist nation and will be sanctioned.

  • I understand very well what they’re saying and what you’re doing. The chant they’re using is the chant used by violent Hindu supremacists to incite fear and hate in India’s minority religions.

    Hindu supremacists use that chant as a battle cry while inciting & commiting acts of communal violence to terrorise India’s minority religions (primarily, Muslims & Christians). They force Indian Muslims to say their chant and then lynch them to death. They used it while they burned Australian missionary doctor Graham Staines and his 2 little boys alive.

    Islamic terrorists like ISIS misused ‘Allahu Akbar’ for the same purpose, to inspire hate & terror.

    You are minimizing this act of terror by Hindu supremacists in Australia and by doing so are supporting Hindu extremeism in Australia.

  • ongoing ethnic & communal genocide of Kuki Chriistains in Manipur for 5th continuous month, anti-Muslim communal pogrom by state and its thugs, communal hatespeech by govt ministers and religious leaders of Hindusm to create an atmosphere of hate, fear, and anger against Muslims, Christians, and Sikhs in the country, massive unemployment (42% of our under-25 year graduates are unemployed), food & fuel inflation, a Prime Minister & his admn who are only focused on grabbing & centralizing power, misuse of ant-terrorist laws to target jornalits & activists, masssive corruption by PM & the state govts of his political party, brakdown of law & order and the justice system where your religion & caste determine whether you get a shot at justice.