Thanks for your opinion straight person
Thanks for your opinion straight person
Its certainly harder to explain over text since we can’t hear your tone. Do you put in a lot of effort when you speak ? Does talking come naturally, or do you spend a lot of energy trying to be polite ?
well if I had said that I’d mean it manipulatively
Without knowing exactly what you said its hard to know if this reflects more on your friend than you. Apologizing should be fine, so the issue is either how you apologized or your friend. Also a two day argument is a long argument. Who kept it going? Who would bring it up first?
Edit: I see in one comment that you are autistic. Have you talked to your friends and family about what this means in a conversation ? At some point its on them, honestly.
One possibility is that it’s how you phrase things? Everything seems fine here but people tend to write and speak differently, so just throwing out a possibility here.
I used to say essentially “not my fault” a lot as a kid (it was a kind of deflection that I resorted to instead of actually dealing with stuff), and my mom called me out on it once, which caused a huge shift in how i thought about communication from then on. See, sometimes it was my fault, and other times it wasn’t, but that doesn’t really matter a lot in a conversation, so I started kinda taking a mental step back to consider what I was about to say would actually accomplish in the conversation, or how it might be perceived by others, and it became clear to me that I had some other bad conversational habits as well that escalated situations when they didn’t need to.
It might not be easy to detect all of them at once, but just getting into the mindset of thinking about this stuff might help. Hopefully this technique isn’t why I’m anxious these days :P
Edit: Also some subjects are sore as you experienced with your unemployed friend, so having this habit of taking a step back might have helped with realizing that in advance. It’s not always doable of course, you can’t know everything.
OP and me are venting, we are well aware that the issues can be mitigated to some extent. Also, this post is literally about someone putting hateful messages in their username and profile picture, hiding your identity won’t exactly help then :(
Constant harassment? … a single infraction is enough to remove internet strangers forever.
I think maybe you don’t quite understand, doesn’t matter how many we block there is always one more phobe just around the corner, and being attacked by these people can be quite taxing emotionally in the long run.
I reported their account and a couple of other ones, hopefully steam will do something eventually.
Minish Cap is just absolutely amazing. The world is small, but very well made and fun to explore. It has aged very well (I imagine most GBA games have?) so I would recommend everyone to give it a go if they like that sort of game!
I’ve never tried any Castlevania games, maybe it’s time.
Pretty sure each of the companies selling smart home systems like this want to become the dominant go to system, so focusing on earning profits doesn’t make much sense. You want to lure customers into your ecosystem and for your solution to become so dominant you become a monopoly, or at least so you don’t fall behind and let someone else become ubiquitous. I view it as amazon building infrastructure and supporting future endeavors.
I haven’t heard about piefed before, but I’ll be keeping an eye on this one as well. Thanks!
This sounds familiar! I think this is it! Thank you very much
Dunno? More moderation tools in general. Lemmy mods regularly complain about a lack of tools, but I’ve never moderated anything so I wouldn’t know. The project page probably describes what additional tools it has which is one of the things I’m interested in reading about.
Perhaps some moderators can chime in with what kinda stuff they miss or want?
I haven’t played the game for very long, but from what I’ve seen it would take a few hours to get to the point that you can just get a thousand bucks and blow them on a title, but it’s entirely doable. You would have to focus on upgrades anyways to start with just to get a proper income up and running, and then once you can fish with greater speed and with a greater success rate it should be fairly trivial.