VPN set to a country that doesn’t get served ads.
VPN set to a country that doesn’t get served ads.
Interesting, I’ve never heard of softwares that don’t support virtualized systems, I mean how would they… know?
Exactly, I thought this was only missing stirrups!
Glad to hear of this success story, never reinstall a perfectly crafted OS!
“Give what back?”
Well, then you are lost!
All that matters is… THE CUBE IS BACK BABY!
He had some ribs removed so that he could suck his own dick.
It was just an elaborate rickroll, they’re getting sneakier.
Agreed, bsod is precisely what I’ve been running from with Linux.
Snip, snap! Snip, snap! Snip, snap!
That’s called a paint scraper, my dude
Shocking that a distinct society, a separate nation within Canada, has different customs…
If it’s not a gecko I don’t want it!
You might have a crush on Logic :)