Fuck this noise. His ass should be in a holding pen awaiting his sentencing. Then maybe he’d want to do it a little sooner. Unfortunately, we continue to keep handling him with the softest, fluffiest, Downy fresh kid gloves.
Fuck this noise. His ass should be in a holding pen awaiting his sentencing. Then maybe he’d want to do it a little sooner. Unfortunately, we continue to keep handling him with the softest, fluffiest, Downy fresh kid gloves.
The U.S. Constitution uses but does not define the phrase “natural born Citizen” and various opinions have been offered over time regarding its exact meaning.
Don’t be too sure. This particular SC might allow Elon to run because…reasons. And by reasons, I mean free chartered flights anywhere in the world, brand new RVs, and paying rent for justices’ mamas.
If somebody doesn’t find that rhino birth scene funny, we can’t be friends. I still shake violently watching that.
Promise him Secretary of State if he stays in the race until election day, keeps on message (stupid conservative arguments), and works swing states hard. Then…just don’t give him State. Or anything.
You should listen to doctors, not the “right” or “left.” It’s clear from your comment you are not taking a doctor’s advice.
I mean, if this is what you believe, you can still invest in bonds in a 401k or brokerage account. Even if I believed this about stocks crashing, I still wouldn’t put any $ in an annuity.
Also, predicting the stock market and making huge decisions based on that tends to not go well.
Similar, yeah. More modern construction and side-by-side seating instead of tandem. But otherwise, similar size and weight.
Good to know; first time I’ve come across this website.
Ha, why was this downvoted? Sketchy website “reports” proprietary Chinese research firm’s accomplishment by rehashing the firm’s press release about an unbelievable claim with no other evidence. This got more red flags than the beach before a hurricane.
At best, this is something they actually did approximate in some kind of lab setting that might be years and years away from being some kind of marketable product.
The (translated) press release even has a stench all on its own:
It is expected to fundamentally solve the battery life and safety anxiety of traditional lithium-ion batteries.
N=1 case study from a radically biased individual or multiple rigorous studies by people who understand public health. I just don’t know what to believe!
What the hell is “natural drinking water?” That’s not a thing.
If you mean water from a spring or creek, that’s “spring water.” If by “natural” you mean untreated, unfiltered, untested, it might be okay but can also kill you depending on bacteria levels, parasites, or other pollutants or contaminates.
Don’t drink random water out of the ground.
If it can give hugs too, you basically got a whole gramma there.
Excellent. Didn’t know about this one. I’ve been diving into conservas a lot lately with some diet changes, so this is super.
It improves the waste issue, doesn’t really solve it. A dirty, little-discussed secret about fusion power.
If we had a bunch of fusion plants go live, we’d soon have tons and tons of radioactive containment wall material to bury/store somewhere. Including all the special handling requirements that you need with fuel rod waste. I think fusion plants would actually create more waste than a comparable fission plant, at least as far as tons of radioactive material.
The benefit is that waste would be lighter isotopes and degrade faster. So you have more physical material to worry about but only need to worry about it for ~100 years, not thousands.
Was driving by Fort Walker the other day and they did a great job on all the exit signs, boundary markers, and what not. Didn’t see a single “AP Hill” anywhere. Naming Army installations after quite literal traitors is absolutely insane.
Right? It’s like the career criminal doing one more robbery. They tell themselves it’ll be the last time they do it because they know it’s wrong. Except it’s not the last time. They’ll do another later on and call that one the last time. And again and again.
Biggs grew emotional as he talked about his daughter, swearing on her life that he intended Jan. 6 to be his last event with the Proud Boys.
“I’m done with it. I’m sick and tired of left versus right,” Biggs said. The only group he wants to be affiliated with, he said, is his daughter’s PTA.
He’s an asshole. And he is sorry; sorry that he got caught. He’s sick of it now, but wasn’t then. He makes no statement about the victims of his violence. He makes no statements about the millions of nameless victims whose votes he wanted overturned.
Even if he had said he regretted acting on Trump’s lies, it wouldn’t mean a thing. He is just upset he got caught and punished. He’s an asshole.
This guy used violence and terrorism because he didn’t want my vote to count simply because he didn’t like the way I voted. Fuck this asshole. I hope he commits more felonies in prison and gets more time tacked on. 17 years isn’t enough for this fascist asshole.
AI is the new crypto. Idiots will be fleeced. Schemes will be hatched. Vaporware will vape.
In 2-5 years there will likely be some Intel- or Google-like companies with big controlling stakes in AI. Investing in the them then will likely be a good idea. Trying to figure out now which of the 61,000 AI startups will become them, and hoping to win the lottery in the process, is a fool’s game.
Also a non-zero chance that AI itself is all vaporware and the “industry” fizzles out completely.
That’s not a very good reason or justification to delay.
If that worries the justice system, then Trump can never be sentenced. He has cult followers for life.