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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


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  • Not using SFOS anymore, but I had a real good time with my Xperia XA2 compared to the 10 Mark II because of issues with the aarch64 platform.

    One thing that was WAY below Android was the camera quality. A lot of the work happens on a software level that is unpolished on SFOS. GPS was having constant issues (lagging sometimes 30s to 1 minute behind real position) and crashes, and so on…

    I got rid of it to come back to stock Android and my XA2 is also running android now as I gave it to my daughter.

    But I’m quite interested about the answers you will get.

  • You can have issues with self hosting on a residential connection if your provider gives you a CGNAT connection and not a dedicated one. With CGNAT (Carrier Grade Network Adress Translation) your line is shared between multiple users. So are the ports, so imagine you’re trying to open a port on your router and expect to reach from internet to your home using that port. Your carrier may have splitted the whole available ports pool between the 4 customers behind your IP, and when you try to reach <your IP>:<the port> your packets may go Somewhere else. This thing is ok for when you use internet for classical browsing, not when you try to have traffic initiated from internet up to your home