I’m playing Pokémon unbound
I’m playing Pokémon unbound
I played it long ago in emulations in the 2000s it had anti piracy thing where it prevents you from progressing. How do I know it’s a patched version?
I didn’t like this new season jokes all fell flat for me.
The experiment occurred at a cool -40 degrees.
Certainly, the equipment might become unusable, but rather than disposing of it, they are repurposing it elsewhere. Considering the environmental impact, whether the efficiencies and lower global warming potential (GWP) outweigh the benefits of discarding an already manufactured system, which would necessitate manufacturing anew for compliance, is uncertain.
I would estimate payback period to align with a lifespan of around 10 years, matching the expected duration of some of these systems. This estimate entirely anecdotal.
In the us market there is a new standard for evaluating efficiencies seer2 and hspf2. The minimum standards are only 1.3 seer higher than the old standards. In that sense it’s a bit sensationalized.
The article touched on the upcoming change in the US market to switch to lower global warming potential refrigerants. The new ones are about a fifth lower.
These might be coming from Europe as the us is still transitioning. Additionally the old refrigerants are not barred from being manufactured and will be continued to be used to maintain older systems. Again this is somewhat sensationalized.
We already created the equipment and ‘spent’ carbon emissions to manufacturer these. It would be a waste to throw it away.
Can it drive higher res screens?
Great movie, on par with phase 2 movies but people have high expectations thinking every movie should be end game level.
You’re absolutely right I was thinking of sweet baby rays bbq sauce
It’s all high fructose corn syrup
Knob creek is my go to as well
Junk food like instant ramen everyday Jack in the box tacos, ground beef and cheese nachos etc.
I consider myself a foodie having spent hundreds on a meal for one person not including drinks. I enjoy both extremes of the spectrum I suppose.
I just saw a doctor about this, turns out chronic headaches are not normal. It turned out I have an allergy giving me congestion even though I’m breathing normally but enough to induce pressure on my head. Go see a doctor if you’re having daily headaches.
I also play to decompress
Play like you want I cheat in games because I can only play for 30 minutes or an hour a week
Hired because of gnome over what I think is KDE?
I’m on pia too I have a seed box anyway so it’s just for https queries. The seed box transfers locally via ssh
The universe is a giant black hole that’s why it’s slowing down
Get an old tablet and put a frame around it?
Basically the premise for YNAB. You’re doing good work and have a good habit and mine set. Once you get more cash flow it will be harder to keep track. I use YNAB it may work for you too.