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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023

  • AB is the owner of this team.

    The team was kicked out of their arena football league after their last game, due to owing money to the league.

    After the team’s players were paid for their last game, those paychecks were pulled back from their bank accounts.

    AB and his accountant and the team president couldn’t be reached by team members or the newspaper.

    I don’t think I would want to work for AB, it seems like he’s taking bill-paying advice from Trump…

  • I liked everything up until the black album. The black album was hit-or-miss for me; it had some parts i liked and some parts that weren’t really doing it for me. Load and Reload sounded (to me) kind of generic; it was metal but it wasn’t up to the standard I expected out of Metallica. The less said about everything after those albums, the better.

  • note: I’m not a Democrat. I’m more ‘Democrat’ than ‘Republican’, but it’s the same way I’m more in favor of consuming brussels sprouts than dirty sink water. I don’t like brussels sprouts, and would rather have something better, but the only other option is somehow light-years worse. And it will stay this way until we get rid of first-past-the-post voting. Of course, Dems and Repubs both know that the biggest thing keeping them in power is the fact that we have first-past-the-post voting, so there’s no chance of it going away nationally.

    But anyway, I disagree with your premise that the big thing keeping us from having to deal with far right extremism is quality candidates / better turnout. We had some pretty damn decent candidates in 2020, but the media (especially NPR and the like) are too busy going to small-town diners in order to hear local yokels repeat Fox News talking points to talk about why Fox News is so scared of the candidate. The right-wing media machine is going to target whichever Dem candidate will actually make progress, and the mainstream media just goes along with it. Mainstream media goes along with whatever ridiculous thing the right says about a Dem candidate because mainstream media wants right-wing viewers. Challenging right-wing viewpoints doesn’t increase the right-wing audience share for CNN and NPR, going along with their talking points does (well, not really, but CNN and NPR seem to think it does, despite years of evidence to the contrary).

    Also, Biden got the most votes out of any candidate ever in 2020, and we still have a rise in right-wing extremism. Just over 2/3rds of the voting-eligible public turned out to vote in 2020. And I think I can safely say that right-wing extremism is worse now than it was in 2019. My local library is getting flack because they had the audacity to acknowledge the existence of LGBTQ+ people this month. Like, protests and loud angry attendance at monthly board meetings. This has never happened before to my library.

    Right-wing extremism is enabled and promoted despite how much the majority of this nation disagrees with it.

  • I was actually thinking more about this today at work (don’t tell the boss…)

    Dickens published a lot of his work serially. And his stories were wildly popular, like ‘Harry Potter’ levels of popularity. It seems like the stories of Charles Dickens would work well for this kind of medium; the only problem I came across is that he didn’t necessarily serialize each chapter every week, rather, he would serialize 1-3 (-ish) chapters each week. So breaking the story up as he would have broken it up seems the sticking point.

    If I ever do this, and it’s not against the rules of c/literature, I’ll make a post so people can sign up and get stories emailed to them piece by piece :)

  • And ILL!

    If there’s a book/CD/movie that you want that’s not at your library, your library will borrow it from another library on your behalf, using the InterLibrary Loan system. Most of the time, there’s no charge to you. I’ve made use of the system at my library lots of times, and I’ve only been presented with a charge once (the book was rare and out-of-print, so the lending library was understandably worried).

  • An author whose newsletter I am on, Joshua James, serialized HG Wells’ “The War of the Worlds” in the run-up to the release of the first book in his tWotW-inspired alien invasion SF series. A chapter of tWotW was emailed each day. It was fun, especially since the chapters weren’t overly long.

    I thought that would be a fun substack to set up, sending out a public-domain classic one chapter at a time.