ennemi [he/him]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: December 29th, 2022


  • I’d still recommend getting an AMD graphics card and generally prioritizing hardware with upstream drivers. As in, drivers that are included with the kernel itself. The experience is always better. Overall it’s still a good habit to look up how any hardware runs on Linux before buying it.

    Gaming in a Windows VM is possible but it was a big ordeal when I did it. You have to make sure your CPU and motherboard support IOMMU for PCI passthrough. It’s less of a problem nowadays but there are still some pitfalls with PCIe lanes and whatnot. You need two video adapters, one for the host and one for the guest (because the host has no access to the passed-through GPU) and if you want to game on both Windows and Linux that can be a pain in the ass. It goes on. I personally don’t recommend it. If you have to play trashy eSports that ship with built-in anti-cheat malware then just Windows for that.

  • Ok. I mean I personally believe with application of reforms and laws you can incrementally get things better. And it’s more about fighting corruption than trusting in the integrity of humanity.

    Nope, not possible. Human sucks. I’m sorry you believe in fairy tales like that. You’re going to try and “reform” and it won’t work because of human nature. Please take this seriously. Please be logical.

  • My brother in Christ, we have reached a conclusion. Human beings are bad by nature. Better things aren’t possible.

    Sure, whatever. You’re right. Just go and do your thing. Appeal-to-nature your away out of every dilemma that’s presented to you. I’m not going to spend any effort on you for the same reason I wouldn’t spend any effort on a crazy QAnon person.

  • It’s not difficult for me to write like this. It takes very little effort. It’s also a bit sad that it intimidates you so much.

    There are solutions we can talk about. Rent-to-own, central housing commissions, urban planning reforms. We are not getting there because you are dodging the vital question, which is “are you a shitty person or not”

    I should have trusted my instinct. You are completely unserious. Hope you grow out of it.

  • I believed in a perfect world everyone should have everything they need. I also believe we do not live in a perfect world.

    That’s intellectually lazy. I described something that is both easy to conceive of and (in my opinion) completely achievable with modern means. At this point we should be talking about implementation details and not acting like “housing humans” is a pie-in-the-sky idea. You are the outlier if you think it is. You have to defend that abnormal belief.

    Do I believe the current system is broken? Yes. Do I believe reform would work? Yes. Do I believe I’ve seen any kind of plan or actionable theory of how to change it? No.

    I am trying to get there. First, admit that it’s both a possibility and a worthwhile goal. Otherwise we have nothing to discuss.

    Ideally yes governments and economies would serve humanity- again we don’t live in an ideal world and the human condition will always prevent that.

    Again, this is intellectually lazy, and completely without substance. If you truly believe that, then just don’t have opinions. Don’t question the credibility of others. Be a consoomer and live your life never thinking of injustice.

    We both know that’s not how humans work. The human condition is incredibly malleable. We built modern civilization on moral education. We should in theory only get better at that, so long as we can see people’s material needs fulfilled. Historical progress is synonymous with the adoption of shared principles for the greater good of the collective.

    I also believe that if these things were to be done it would involve the government- not me- providing these things. In this ideal situation I would also be allowed to buy property(or whatever thing) and rent it to those who can’t afford it themselves. This means more taxes and excluding lobbying, gerrymandering, corruption in general. I believe every system fails to corruption because that’s just the human condition.

    I despise this idea liberals have that humans are necessarily greedy or corrupt or what-have-you, but if that really is the case, then why would you design your system purely around self-interest? Why would you allow slumlords to run rampant with no accountability? Why not remove greed from the equation and collectivize housing?

    Yes that’s sort of what happened when ussr collapsed- not entirely. A lot of the apartments went to the current residents… like alot alot. There’s a reason I know this. However what you mentioned also happened. And it sucks. It’s not fair. But there’s no way to be fair about it. Now the legitimate (uncontested) government has control of things and that’s just where we go from now. Going back through history is pointless.

    Then there is nothing to enforce its legitimacy other than violence. In other words, the state is legitimate, until it is overthrown with violence. I’m glad we agree on that. Lenin had the right idea.

    I also disagree that shouting at people is effective. Especially when you appear to be shouting x when you really mean y.

    I’m not talking about shouting. I’m talking about appearing cooler and smarter than your opposition. Yes, it’s fucking stupid. Yes, it works. Welcome to modern politics.

    I’m much more willing to listen to someone who lays out a well constructed argument rather than some rhetoric that on its own makes no sense.

    You’ve given me pretty much nothing but prevarication, so I frankly doubt that.