No need to be so combative. A shitty meme presenting falsehood does not help furthering the cause to tax the wealthy.
No need to be so combative. A shitty meme presenting falsehood does not help furthering the cause to tax the wealthy.
Yes, it talks about spacex winning $17B in federal contracts from the US government. That’s not subsidies. The US government is a customer.
If we assume the 1B is the rest for Tesla, that’s in EV subsidies. It isn’t just Tesla that benefits from those. Any manufacturer that sells EVs does.
Unless you are 70, that sounds more like a problem with lack of exercise and stretching catching up to you.
Not judging.
I don’t think they are ugly. The truck is an abomination though.
Grok seems to be working fine. It’s about as competent as… Gpt4.
Megagermans just sound evil.
And milligermans, well there’s a vaccine against that I think.
Maybe they don’t count temporary residents like students and foreign worker permit holders?
Also can they likely can’t be drafted / join their army?
BestBuy is generally overpriced. Sometimes good deals on peripherals and their returns policy is generous.
Odd that you have never heard of Canada Computers. If you are in Quebec, they are called Ordinateurs Canada.
Depending on where you live, you might have a Memory Express nearby.
As always, GenX just forgotten.
Our dedicated boys keep the peace in newly annexed Canada
AB would join before ANSCHLUSS.
SK red.
ON swing state, it’s rust belt all over again.
Maritimes votes along with New England.
MB is dealing with mosquitoes.
BC blue.
NL swing but mostly blue.
PQ 3rd party, but generally very strong blue. I don’t see PQ annexation happening though. It’d sooner fight for independence from either.
Montreal but also lived in Toronto for four years. It’s red blinkers everywhere, annoying as heck.
Not that many trucks, I guess. Are we talking about trucks only? I might be wrong then. Mostly crossover SUVs.
No it’s not. I see red turning indicators waaay more often than yellow ones.
You did the right thing.
And for future readers, to learn from this:
In order to acquire something, learn to let go first.
Liberal means pro capitalist liberty. Nothing about personal freedom, equity and social safety nets in that.
Most ships can actually go up the St Lawrence to the port of Montreal easily, and even further on the seaway.
Source: my buddy’s brother is a unionized commercial navigator.
Looks pretty basic to me!
Why the /s when it’s clearly not sarcasm?
Oddly xkcd’s image has no signature or other information identifying the creator.