• 5 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 20th, 2021


  • I’m no “veteran diplomat” but in my experience it is only the people without real power who make threats. When you have power, you don’t need to make threats. You just respond to events with whatever proportionate response is necessary and within your capability. You don’t need to provide a preview of what those responses will be.

    Setting “red lines” looks to me like weakness because it is essentially a plea to the other side not to do those things that you don’t want them to do, and it invites them to push up to those red lines, do anything but, and test their boundaries to test your commitment to them.

  • Back in the 00’s we had to fiddle with ifconfig and friggin’ /etc/network by hand. Things have gotten a lot better.

    I was just thinking that I’ve never had any problems with either WiFi or Ethernet connectivity since NetworkManager became a standard part of modern distros. Before that I was having to install windows drivers with ndiswrapper and configure interfaces manually in ifup and ifdown scripts, and I haven’t had to do that for at least 15 years now.