That’s why I said it depends. What I was referring to is more like the usual leasing(should have clarified that). How many people are buying their car with a one time purchase and not in small rates because that’s easier to handle?
That’s why I said it depends. What I was referring to is more like the usual leasing(should have clarified that). How many people are buying their car with a one time purchase and not in small rates because that’s easier to handle?
Theres A difference between running a profitable buisness and ruining the whole user experience to please the shareholders.
Or it is available in your region, but you have to pay for it anyway.
The only case where a subscription can be good is if you don’t have that much money to afford something(if its a one time purchase), because you would have to save up for some time. That’s the only case where a subscription can be good, but this doesn’t apply to 99% of them
What? You have to pay for the blood test if you refuse the breath analyzer? Everyday I learn something new about the US and everyday I’m shocked about it.
Reading this I remember something I heard from a show about people working in the ER where the, had something similar(pregnant woman comes into the hospital with something live threatening) “The life of the baby is currently irrelevant, because if we can’t save the mother, the kid will Die too.”
And its also always to have multiple layers of defence. Its straight up stupid to remove the redundancy in safety measures because you trust your tech.
A frankium cube that big would be neat. Only downside is, that half of it is decayed after like 7 Minutes(if I remember correctly)
This. Normally I pirate all of my music because I actually don’t want to be forced to have an Internet connection to listen to stuff but I’m actually considering buying some of the stuff I pirated because the artists deserve the money.
AI is like the calculator for the mathematician. A very useful tool that allows you to be more efficient but is completely useless without someone capable of handling it.
Yeah, people can’t have no citizenship.
And also irreversible is The decline of biodiversity. Once a species is extinct it won’t come back.
And The US is A very big market and TSMC exports a lot of chips into the US.
Havent watched the English version so I don’t know how well they are made.
To be fair, Snapchat is still better than tiktok, because you can actually communicate with friends. Their spotlight is as much brainrot as it gets
I would like to add 2 absolute masterpieces of German cinematic creations.
First: Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo(W children from station zoo)
Devinetively not ab easy or joyfully film. So far I only watched the original version which isn’t great in terms of story telling but it displays the reality of drug abuse(in this case heroin) in a very good way. This film is devinetively capable of ruining your day.
Werner - Beinhart( Werner and the wizard of booze)
A quite old(1990) animated film. It is funny as hell but you can clearly see, that it was made in a different time/society. However, its still funny as hell(at least in my opinion).
Requiem for A dream is a very good film. Its quite similar to the much older German film “Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo” (We children from the station zoo). The original version has a quite weird style in terms of how it tells the story but its still a very good film. Can only recommend it to everybody. Heroin one hell of A drug that can quite easily ruin everything.
Factorio is great. I don’t think Theres another game that sucked up so many hours so quick. I absolutely love it. It takes a shit load of time(my first world took 40 hours and didnt complete the game). I’m now starting a new world because of space age, and already have a lot of plans on how to improve my world to male it better(starting with currently building a blueprint for a mall and rushing to robots in order to not being forced to build everything by hand). Also, disabling biters is a very good thing to do. I don’t want to focus on fighting biters. I just want to see the factory grow.
Found The tankie
Sounds fun, when do we start?