How cleverly you have made meter and rhyme
How cleverly you have made meter and rhyme
Ayy I remember that toaster! This looks great! The sign with “Do not bite yourself to check whether you are a cake” got me smiling good
How about eye games? Because Laser Eyes!
Stand in a circle with a group and have one person call out the actions EYES DOWN and then EYES UP. When your eyes are down, choose a person to look at when you raise your eyes. If they also choose to look at you, you both scream in fake pain and die a dramatic death on the ground. You’re out, but you got to be silly for a moment there, so that was kinda fun
Play continues until one or two people remain. I forget if there’s an in-game way to break ties. Maybe you both win? Sure! Kids love it, though the screams can be ear-splitting
Are you a fan of Adventure Time? I love this animation of that scene