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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • As an American, this line short circuited my brain:

    Police there still carry guns on the regular

    I live in a quiet but growing suburban town that’s closer to rural areas than the nearest city. When I walk my kid to elementary school (how European of us, lol) the police officer working as a crossing guard for the kids still has their gun, taser, bulletproof vest, and all their other gear on.

    And it’s not a school-specific thing. You just never see cops without their weapons here. Armed and armored is just part of the uniform, essentially.

  • I was going to say it’s for all the padding to protect their fragile egos.

    In a lot of our society (mostly but not exclusively the maga branch) if you are a male you just drive a truck automatically.

    What’s funny though is that the two people I know personally who actually need the trucks they drive are little woman, but they work on a farm unlike the vast majority of truck drivers.