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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I just wanna blow shit up and have a good time. I like a challenge for sure, but what they did was just silly. I remember getting back online a couple months back and realizing all my favorite guns had half the ammo and felt like I was shooting bugs with a nerf gun (pun intended). I played one mission and got so frustrated I quit and haven’t played since. Instead of buffing the weapons nobody was using to make them more fun, they nerfed all the fun weapons so all the weapons felt like ass.

    I remember reading a while back that they nerfed the grenade pistol so it only had like 2 or 3 shots per resupply. As the only guy that probably ever used it, my only thought was “well why the fuck would I even bring it than?! What the fuck do you expect me to do with two fucking shots in my gun?”

  • I was so worried about this game being bad. Not that I didn’t trust them to make a game as good as the first Frost Punk, but more that some of the expansions for the first game were pretty meh. Still good, but nothing like the original experience of the game. Anything above a 7 is a great sign as it’s not a game for everyone. The fact that it got a decent amount of 8’s and 9’s is even better. I can’t wait to play it!

    … After I beat the first one again.

  • Every time I’ve ever had a big test, a presentation, a job interview, the first day on a job, a meeting, a doctors appointment, a big trip the next day, and literally everything else you can think of, I have stayed up all night. At first it’s an issue of anxiety, but by 3 AM it turns into “well if I fall asleep now I can’t trust myself to get up in the morning so I might as well stay up all night.”

  • I mean it’s gotten to the point where I can’t even keep track of all the different AI being pushed by companies. My prediction is some company is going to make a super efficient and helpful AI and everyone will start using that as a base point. Like how every company wanted a website before they all just migrated the majority of their information to social media like Facebook and Twitter. And let’s be honest, most of the big companies making AI are not going to be the ones to do it. And even though they are improving, they are more interested in making money than better AI. We haven’t seen a major breakthrough in months and the majority of progress is minimal. Every time they come out with a new model it’s usually just the same with more bells and whistles.

  • This just seems like they are trying to take a shortcut that might end up having unforeseen consequences. I have no problem with AI upscaling as a technology. It’s already proven its merit with almost all triple A games that have come out in the past few years. But this just seems like a way to push the cost off onto consumers by making them buy more expensive hardware at the cost of efficiency. Games are so poorly optimized these days that this just seems like another way to release games that run like ass. If you see this as a benefit in any way, just remember that we will all be paying the extra cost that they get to save.

    And of course there’s gonna be people that’ll just be like “upgrade your PC, bro” which just makes us fight amongst ourselves instead of fighting the companies that are fucking us over. We’ll fight each other for hours on end about how shitty someone’s PC is before we even consider that the game they are playing is so poorly optimized it’s a miracle it even works on a high end PC. It’s already to the point that a $4,000 PC isn’t even enough to play some common triple A titles at a good frame rate. I can play God of War at the highest setting with no issues whatsoever but can’t even play Jedi Survivor at a stable frame rate. Sure a better PC would achieve better results, but that’s not a hardware issue.

  • Microsoft 365 is fucking garbage. I tried using it one time on my work computer and couldn’t even export an Excel sheet into any other format besides a PDF and an Excel file. The only two things I never need to export an Excel sheet as. I couldn’t even export it as a god damn text file. And the fact that I need an Internet connection makes it so much more finicky. I guess on the plus side when the Internet is down I don’t have to do my job until it comes back.

  • I’m kinda in the same boat but on the other side. I always try to argue with people about this. It gets me a lot of flak on pro AI posts but that won’t stop me. I usually get very aggressive replies and sometimes some fucked up dm’s too.

    I’m against it because we are already seeing the consequences of this technology and it’s only getting worse. By the time laws catch up it’s gonna be too late and the damage will be done. For some technologies that’s not always the worst. But we already saw how long it took for anyone to do anything about the Internet when it came out, and we are still trying to this day. This shit is growing so fast we will all feel the whiplash. Sites like Facebook are getting absolutely flooded with so much AI that they are becoming almost unusable. And that’s before we even get into the shady shit people use AI for like making porn of people they know with the click of a button. I recently read an article about how bad deepfake porn is in South Korea (found the article. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/12/world/asia/south-korea-deepfake-videos.html). And in places like the US, where a lot of these companies are based, they are so slow to do anything about a problem it’s going to be too late by the time they get to it.

    But besides all the awful things happening because of AI, I do have one personal gripe with the whole ordeal. Why are we so quick to replace the things we enjoy with AI? When I get home from work I like to make music and practice pixel art (I’m not very good at either yet). I’d much rather have AI replace my job than my hobbies. I’m down for things that are useful, but too much of this just gives me a bad gut feeling. Like their trying to replace people and not their jobs.

    This may be the future. But it sounds like a pretty dystopian future to me. You already can’t believe everything you see on the Internet and this will only make it worse.