SunriseParabellum [he/him]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 30th, 2023

  • This may sound a bit weird, but it’s a random thought I’ve had, does anyone ever feel like memes like this almost make us leftists come off a bit too idealistic and romantic?

    Lemme clarify where I’m coming from here. As I get older, I’m in mg 30s now, I’ve come to the realization a lot of people don’t want the life of a bohemian artist who’s traveling constantly and does six different types of creative hobby. A lot of people want a kinda boring stable life with a house, a job that’s rewarding but not too physically or mentally taxing, enough time off to take a nice vacation once or twice a year, and the resources to keep them and their family comfortable. I guess I say this cuz this is increasingly how I feel as I get older. Add this to the fact that I don’t think FALGSC is coming anytime soon, if Mecha Lenin pulled off the perfect revolution today we’d still probably have a few generation of people needing to pull 9-5s before we got to the point we could all be space traveling poets like in Star Trek so maybe don’t oversell what we can deliver to people alive now? Focus on shit an actual socialist government could achieve in our lifetimes, like public housing, more vacation time, free healthcare?

  • so you want the government to be the landlord

    Is this government controlled by the bourgeois or the proletariat class? If I can’t afford to buy a home (and even then, unless I’m rich enough to buy with cash I’m going to be beholden to the bank I get the loan from) I’m going to have to rent from the bourgeois class no matter what under capitalism, I just get a choice in which member of the bourgeois I get to rent from, they’re gonna be taking my money regardless. If the working class is in control of the state I actually get a say in who’s running the housing authority in my city, I can vote and advocate for housing policies I like, potentially I can make housing totally free, or at least cheap as dirt, cuz it’s not being run as part of the profit motive anymore, which is good for me as a renter. Or I can promote policies where the state build housing for people to own, Cuba for example has one of the highest home ownership rates in the world because the government funds the construction of very cheap housing that people basically “rent to own”.