She/her. 24

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 29th, 2022


  • Another thing, notice the reaction of Muslim countries to the actual genocide being perpetrated by Israel. They are firmly condemning it through all channels. In contrast, the policies of de-radicalization by the Chinese were unanimously well-received by Muslim countries.

    Very generous of you to assume that many of these folk believe Muslims and Arabs are human beings capable of forming their own opinions and international policy. The opinions of actual Muslims are similarly handwaved akin to any communist’s opinion.

    These states’ international defense of China’s de-radicalization program is stated to merely be because they are money-hungry opportunists, buddying up with China while ignoring a politically and economically inconvenient genocide. 🙄 How… adaptable this narrative is.

    The seemingly unending wave of videos of Uyghurs in China recording themselves in their homes and making it clear they are not undergoing genocide have to be ignored. In fact, they have to be deleted by the platforms hosting them. How utterly immune to facts this narrative is.

    If these countries care about Palestine, oh… I don’t know. Russia is making them care. Iran, maybe? Maybe North Korea or China are forcing these Muslims to hate Israel. Who else are we being directed to hate right now? Afghanistan? Just throw a dart at the “Axis of Evil” board and pick an “uncivilized” nation. It’s their fault. Why not?

  • unwilling to even engage with the idea that Russia seeks to eliminate Ukrainian identity

    Camarada Forte did engage with this argument. The person who created this supposed dossier dictating Russia’s desire to destroy the Ukrainian identity has no direct link to the Russian government.

    You need evidence we can engage with. We cannot meaningfully engage with empty platitudes.

    Meanwhile you will turn yourself in circles to defend Russian aggression

    Do you know what was going on in eastern Ukraine, beginning in 2014? Pretty similar to what’s going on in Gaza right now. Hint: it was not Russian artillery leveling homes, schools, and hospitals.

    But then somehow I’m the brainwashed goon for actually attempting to maintain something resembling ideological consistency.

    Awfully defensive there, bud. Speaking of ad hominem. 🙄

  • Wild how much footage is coming out of Gaza right now showing an actual ongoing genocide, yet Zionists and their water-carriers will harp on and on about how Israel is merely defending itself.

    Nothing of the sort from Xinjiang. At all.

    I’d like to see ONE verifiable image or video depicting this supposed Uyghur genocide we’re denying. ONE. Apparently it’s one of the worst human atrocities occuring right now. One of the worst in HISTORY.

    So… show me a single picture. Fetish porn doesn’t count. Where are the dead bodies? Where are these supposed mass graves?

    Love to break it to ya, they don’t fucking exist and they never did. You’ve been lied to.

  • I remember someone on reddit making the claim that Amerika is inherently more free than Chyna cuz at least we can go outside and burn a picture of Mitch McConnell or whoever and not get arrested, whereas you can’t do that with Chinese officials.

    1. Depends on your skin color.
    2. Wow, so brave. So much change is enacted by dissing bourgeois politicians on the street!

    I think I’d rather have representatives I didn’t feel the need to constantly badmouth than have the freedom to do so… but that’s just me. Not even like it’s illegal to fucking protest in China, anyway.

    And you’re right. Maybe you won’t get arrested right away, but undoubtedly our pro-Palestinian comrades are putting themselves in harm’s way by virtue of insulting Amerika’s puppet right now.

  • Warning ⚠️: Nasty Images, Creepy Crawlies

    A lot of folk will never know they have bed bugs - the only indicators being blood from squashing them in one’s sleep, filth in their nests, blood from their fecal matter, and their eggs.

    For me, I’ll know I have them when my skin looks like this after sleeping.

    It is the itchiest thing imaginable. So much worse than mosquitoes or other insect bites, in my experience. When they bite, it feels like an electric shock. I’ll jolt, scramble on my bed looking for the villain, only for their ridiculous speed to make it impossible to catch them in the act.

    I get paranoid even thinking about them. If I feel what feels like a bite, I won’t be able to sleep. I’ll spend all night lifting up my mattress, my bed frame, looking underneath everything, opening every vent, and checking every corner. They’re sneaky as shit, though, and can prove almost impossible to find. Worse still, they’re amazing climbers.

    If you see stains like this on your sheets or pillows, be wary. You likely squashed a few of the monsters in your sleep.

    They can hide anywhere. I don’t have pictures of it, but my parents had doors with grates/vents on them, and they were stained dark red and brown from the bed bug infestation. They can get in your outlets, too.

    Imagine a blissful night of sleep being interrupted by this thing crawling on the back of your neck. I picked one off of me and I swear I was stunned. I started squishing the fucker in my fingers trying to figure out what the hell it was before throwing it across the room. In hindsight, I should have flushed it down the toilet. It probably would have survived, regardless. The bastards survive almost anything, especially bug sprays specifically marketed towards killing them.

    Don’t let the images or my descriptions make anyone reading paranoid. It feels like even mentioning the words “bed bug” is enough to manifest them into existence, sometimes. You probably know if you have them. If you’re worried, be on the lookout for stains like those in the spoiler, and cylindrical off-white tubes about the size of a pen’s tip. Kill on sight, and show no mercy. They will show you none.