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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023

  • I don’t think we will see another Favorite Worst Nightmare from any band again. It’s my favorite album by them, but The Car has honestly been a blast to listen to. I’ve seen a lot of people dislike their direction, but I feel like the band is enjoying the music and it just makes it better.

    I think the weakest album (which still has good songs) is Pile-driver Waltz.

  • I would honestly want to try poutine, but not being near canada makes getting good stuff… well, impossible. If anyone has a recipe for authentic poutine, I would love to give it a try. Looking recipes up online is a hit or miss scenario since I have no real way of knowing if something is real or a not-very-good take on something.

  • I’ve been seeing things about matrix more and more and it’s seeming like something interesting. I checked out their website and, like a lot of this stuff, it’s a bit unclear for me.

    So you do as you do here and set up an account on an instance and then port everything through it? Does smashing all the different chats into one list have a way to differentiate them from one another? I’m just looking for more about it to help me understand it.

  • Honestly, finding this place has been the highlight of my month! This week has been crazy busy at work. About 4 different projects all started going on at once on top of my normal work load and it’s been a bit draining. But, i put in for a couple vacation days a month ago and am going to be spending it at a friend’s doing lán parties and just general hanging out.

    I hope all y’all’s is going well! Or will soon be!

  • I’ve seen it in a lot of home improvement stores around spring time and early summer. There are two types that i know of. One is shorter and doesn’t flower as much. Another is slightly taller and grows spires of purple flowers! I think there is a color difference in the leaves too (one being lighter green and one darker), but I’m not 100% on that as I am colorblind and it could be my memory playing tricks on me on that one.

  • Growing up, my mom always put adjuga in the flowerbeds as a ground cover. I absolutely adore it because it’s much more pleasant to look at than mulch or dirt. It spreads rather quick and can be transplanted as easy as pulling some up by the roots and placing it on some dirt. Notuch more attention needed.

    I have some in my flowerbeds that was here when i bought my house. I really need to find the time to address my flowerbeds… One of these days…