Wow. Those pickups look crazy. Three blades? And I love that bridge. How does it sound?
Wow. Those pickups look crazy. Three blades? And I love that bridge. How does it sound?
To get a real authentic heavy sound, you probably need something that can move some air. The cab may be more important that the amp in this case. I would see if one of those mini/lunchbox Rectifiers or Peaveys work for your style, and try to get one of those used along with either an oversized 1x12 cab, or a 4x12. The 4x12 cab is the only real way you’ll get that low-mid thump that you always hear on metalcore and death metal albums.
The tried and true match for that sound is 5150/6505 with a Mesa 4x12 … But even used, you aren’t going to get those in this budget.
One other recommendation… Depending on what guitar plugins you’ve tried, just getting better IRs could make a huge difference. If you aren’t using Neural DSP plugins, I would suggest trying some, or using GGD’s Studio cab packs.
Real amps are more fun IMO, but with such a low budget, better plugins may be a better bang for your buck.
I have to say the same for the Kia EV6. After a fill charge, driving a few miles on the road yields a very accurate estimate.
Perhaps you sound like a FireFox or otherwise Anti-Brave shill
Agreed. I do not have MyQ by choice, and I’m actively looking for a new solution now that I can’t connect via Home assistant, but honestly I don’t love either solution shared in this article. Perhaps someone in the community will reverse engineer the MyQ controllers or MIM the API to enable local network control (see local tuya)