• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Here is my docker-compose.yml


    version: “3.7”

    services: proxy: image: nginx:1-alpine ports: # actual and only port facing any connection from outside # Note, change the left number if port 1236 is already in use on your system # You could use port 80 if you won’t use a reverse proxy - “8536:8536” volumes: - ./nginx_internal.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:ro,Z restart: always depends_on: - pictrs - lemmy-ui

    lemmy: image: dessalines/lemmy:latest hostname: lemmy restart: always environment: - RUST_LOG=“warn” volumes: - ./lemmy.hjson:/config/config.hjson:Z depends_on: - postgres - pictrs

    lemmy-ui: image: dessalines/lemmy-ui:latest environment: - LEMMY_UI_LEMMY_INTERNAL_HOST=lemmy:8536 - LEMMY_UI_LEMMY_EXTERNAL_HOST=* - LEMMY_UI_HTTPS=true volumes: - ./volumes/lemmy-ui/extra_themes:/app/extra_themes depends_on: - lemmy restart: always

    pictrs: image: asonix/pictrs:0.4.0-rc.7 # this needs to match the pictrs url in lemmy.hjson hostname: pictrs # we can set options to pictrs like this, here we set max. image size and forced format for conversion # entrypoint: /sbin/tini – /usr/local/bin/pict-rs -p /mnt -m 4 --image-format webp environment: - PICTRS_OPENTELEMETRY_URL=http://otel:4137 - PICTRS__API_KEY=lemmy1234
    - RUST_LOG=debug - RUST_BACKTRACE=full - PICTRS__MEDIA__VIDEO_CODEC=vp9 - PICTRS__MEDIA__GIF__MAX_WIDTH=256 - PICTRS__MEDIA__GIF__MAX_HEIGHT=256 - PICTRS__MEDIA__GIF__MAX_AREA=65536 - PICTRS__MEDIA__GIF__MAX_FRAME_COUNT=400 user: 991:991 volumes: - ./volumes/pictrs:/mnt:Z restart: always deploy: resources: limits: memory: 690m

    postgres: image: postgres:15-alpine hostname: postgres environment: - POSTGRES_USER=lemmy - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=lemmy1234
    - POSTGRES_DB=lemmy volumes: - ./volumes/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data:Z - ./customPostgresql.conf:/etc/postgresql.conf restart: always

    postfix: image: mwader/postfix-relay environment: - POSTFIX_myhostname=lemmy.domain.com restart: “always”

  • I have read Our Revolution by Bernie Sanders.

    I can recommend it to anyone who are interested in the politics of US. Bernie talked about the main problems in the US. He talked about discrimination, the corruption, populism, wealth distribution and the negative effect of far capitalism overall.

    The best bit of the book in my opinion, that you will understand why’s the society so against socialism’s ideas, even if it would significantly improve their life in many cases.