Another problem with the “voter fraud is rampant” rehtoric is idiots like this think they too can get away with anything.
Another problem with the “voter fraud is rampant” rehtoric is idiots like this think they too can get away with anything.
*Delves into all kids of weird circumstances and medical mysteries. Morbid and informative.
*Up-to-date exercise and nutrition science. I’ve seriously learned a lot.
Imperfect Paintings
Shows you how to try different types of abstract art. Has been a huge inspiration in getting me to paint and experiment with art.
Your mouth to Dog’s ears.
Tony Stark created likeability with a box of scraps in a cave!
He’s a joke, he’s a ham, his last name’s Amsterdam, that’s a Morey.
I’m I’m the middle of a 30 day challenge to eat a fermented food every day. Doing pretty good so far.
Good for you on the soda! It’s really one of the worst things you can consume, even the sugar free. I was blessed with a distaste for carbonation from birth, but I have plenty of other vices.
If there’s two things I know about white people, it’s that they love Rachel Ray, and they’re terrified of curses.
My mom was just saying 2 days ago as we walked down our street, she doesn’t understand why so many people come home in the evening and just sit in their cars. Like, you’re home. Go in your home. We could come up with plenty of scenarios for people to do it once in a while, but for so many it’s like a ritual.
This is just good wholesome fun. Wish I had that kind of energy.
Is there a new age store in your area? They often sell jewelry.
If you like horror and you haven’t seen Repo! The Genetic Opera, nows the time.
Like that isn’t exactly what a dog wants to see.
Corn starch
User name checks out. I did have a good meal.
So hey there; is that an onion in your pants, or are you happy to see me?
I could never watch the beautiful Sebastian Stan play that creature.
Probably doesn’t answer your question completely, but I’m a big fan of the phrase "my understanding is . . . " In other words, this is what I “know” as fact, but I’m aware that my knowledge could be wrong or insufficient and I’m willing to be corrected or updated. I use this phrase almost any time I’m asserting something as fact, as a kind of cya.
I keep an ever expanding TBR. Every time I’m ready for a new book I use a random number generator to tell me what’s next. Keeps things interesting and eliminates analysis paralysis. I completely agree with the suggestion to ditch books you’re not enjoying. Life is too short for bad fiction.