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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • they have nothing to hide from those with access to their data (governments/corporations).

    That is only a good point until you remind them that the government/corporations aren’t just entities but also consist of people, any of which could end up being their neighbor tomorrow, hold their next job interview, be their next potential tinder match, etc.

    Of course the rest of what you wrote is true too, but I really felt the need to point this out.

    To give an example: I’m in data science. As part of a contract work I had access to a csv dump of a database of addresses of all people who ordered campaign material for a specific political campaign. I could have easily sated my own curiosity and checked who in my near vacinity is in that list, as well as the exact amounts that they ordered and some other notes about them. Suddenly it wouldn’t just be some corporation anymore but their neighbor.

  • After a quick Google search I learned that the answer is “kinda”.

    Just like us they do produces gases as part of their metabolism. That gas has to go somewhere. Some of it is absorbed into their hemolyph (blood) and expelled into the air through openings in their exoskeleton. But it’s very unlikely that none of that gas exits through their anus.

    Also, people have spotted “bubbles” on insects trapped in amber right where their anus is, it’s likely that those are encased fart-bubbles.

  • Do we have a AI with a theory of mind or just a AI that answers the questions in the test correctly?

    Now whether or not there is a difference between those two things is more of a philosophical debate. But assuming there is a difference, I would argue it’s the latter. It has likely seen many similar examples during training (the prompts are in the article you linked, it’s not unlikely to have similar texts in a web-scraped training set) and even if not, it’s not that difficult to extrapolate those answers from the many texts it must’ve read where a character was surprised at an item missing that that character didn’t see being stolen.

  • When moving to another mail provider, I can forward mails going to the old address to the new one.

    You’re assuming that the reason for the move is not the old mail provider shutting down. If the old provider shuts down and you cannot somehow get their domain name, all mails sent to your old address will just vanish in the void (or even worse, be gobbled up by whoever owns the domain now, better hope there’s no personal info in there that you wouldn’t want in their hands).

  • Very much depends on the country you’re in too though. I live in a 1000 people village and “bus to nearest train station -> train(s) -> bus to destination” beats car in terms of speed as soon as my destination is more than ca 30km away.

    Reaching the nearest grocery stores takes about 10 minutes by car (incl. finding a parking spot) and 15 by bus, so it’s not a huge difference either.

    It is a huge decrease in flexibility though. The busses will only drive every 30 minutes or 1 hour, depending on the time of day.

  • My favorite comment regarding Noita is still the top comment on YouTube to the launch trailer (the first trailer on the Steam store page.)

    Basically the secret to becoming a master of this game is to learn how to resist the urge to do 90% of the things you see in this trailer.

    Which has been at the top of the YouTube comments for a long time for good reason. I fucking love this game though.