Hm, never had that problem with the Kona. When I start the car it’s automatically active until I hit the gas pedal and in any other case, recuperation is your friend. Recuperation to max and you don’t even have to break anymore.
Hm, never had that problem with the Kona. When I start the car it’s automatically active until I hit the gas pedal and in any other case, recuperation is your friend. Recuperation to max and you don’t even have to break anymore.
You could be a houseman. We have a lot tech jobs in Germany and not enough good personnel.
Teachers and construction workers are always welcome. The teaching part could be a problem because of the language and licenses, but maybe a state were English is a more common language.
Are you guys playing the pain while driving? The only but I actually used is the hazard light button. The rest are all around the steering wheel.
Stopped playing games and if I want to play some games I fire up my PS5.
This can’t be true, because I’m not using steam anymore/s
It is really awesome here. Like the good ol internet days.
Don’t need to be exactly rich.
What are the obstacles to taking this step? Is it only a financial matter? What is you and your wife’s profession? You can pm me if you want to.
That’s not exactly true. There are countries who welcome you if you have like some useful skills.
Baby’s first bakery.
Come to Europe. We got ice cream and free healthcare. Also you don’t need a gun to protect yourself when going out for a walk.
Are they listening to themselves?
So, you’re saying that a touchscreen where you have actively look at because you don’t have any haptic feedback is saver on the roads?
The rollerblades on gravel. 😭
lmao, what a perfect insult.
Missed submarine sales commercial.
America has, without a doubt, the biggest military power. Such great power in the hands of a toddler.
It sad that it has to be like that. I wish we had something like United Nations of Earth like they predicted it in the 70s-90s.
Sure, but first bend over and cough twice for me, will ya?
Nah, heating, air conditioning, seat venting. I use all of that. But most of the time not. It I like having buttons. I mean, it’s easier if I have to switch menus all the time. You and me both know that touchscreen only is stupid. It sounds nice on paper but then you need to turn on your windshield wipers and chaos unfolds. You love Tesler and that’s okay but boy… why the fuck are we arguing about this. It’s not like we gonna change each other’s opinions and buying a new car. You like touchscreens and I like buttons. Let’s agree on that.