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  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • For a savory breakfast, my go-to is tofu scramble. I keep my spices premixed in a mason jar so it’s really easy. Oil in a pan, crumble up the tofu, add spices and a can of black beans. If I’m feeling fancy or have veggies I want to use up, I’ll fry those up a bit before adding the tofu.

    For dessert-breakfast, (vegan) waffles with maple syrup and fresh strawberries is my Saturday morning staple.

    If anyone’s curious, here’s the spice mix I use for my tofu scramble (quantities listed are good for around 6-8 blocks of tofu):

    4 Tbsp nutritional yeast
    2 tsp chili powder
    2 tsp ground cumin
    2 tsp black salt (also called kala namak)
    1.5 tsp turmeric (for colour)
    1/2 tsp garlic powder

  •"Latte art"
    4 days ago

    Barista here, I do latte art even on the to-go orders for two reasons;

    1. Practice, it’s a lot less stressful to practice new techniques or variations on latte art when you know you’ll cover it up with a lid, so who cares if it’s messed up?

    2. It’s fun!

  • I work in a café, so I really only pay for my coffee on my days off.

    I average maybe half a pound of beans per month for home brewing, so let’s say $20 for a nice bag from a local roaster (in Canada-bucks). Ten or so dollars in V60 filters is enough to last me most of a year, so add a dollar a month. I also like checking out cafés, so add $15/$20 in random café visits, and I’d typically spend anywhere from $20 to $40ish per month.

  • Also, doesn’t Canada have a king now? Do they still recognise the UK royalty as heads of state, or did that change

    OP isn’t talking about our old gal Lizzie, they’re talking about the queen of Canada Romana Didulo, who leads a QAnon-based cult and tours around Canada with them in an RV. Here’s an excerpt from her Wikipedia article about her claims to the throne:

    Though Didulo did not initially explain the basis for her claim to be the Monarch of Canada, she later clarified that she had been “appointed” to that position by an American named David J. Carlson, purportedly the “Commander-In-Chief” and “King” of the United States. Didulo claims that Carlson appointed her after she led in 2017 a mission against the Chinese communist military, who were allegedly occupying Canada in underground tunnels, where they were producing adrenochrome, trafficking humans and planning to start World War III by attacking the United States.

  • I was reading, thinking “this is definitely New Brunswick” before recognizing your username :P

    I’m originally from Bathurst, hotboxing a Honda Civic in the McDonald’s parking lot was essentially a rite of passage.

    Sidenote: the culture of driving stoned and/or drunk is so crazy prevalent around here. I was pretty reckless as a teenager, thankfully I now know better but a lot of people I knew back then never grew out of it.

  • I find it so cool that you’ve been vegan for 24 years, as a younger vegan (7 years) I thank you for suffering through groceries with one brand of soy milk and maybe some tofu (if you’re lucky) so that we can live in this world were I have access to vegan fudgesicles at the local grocery store.

    I’m curious though, because veganism has definitely been a point of contention in my past few relationships; how do you and your wife manage meals? Do you do separate meals, or is it more of a “she’s vegan at home” type situation?

  • (Also, as a footnote, Espresso shots die after 5-10 seconds; the crema just dissipates after then, making the shot taste acidic)

    Espresso shots “dying” within 10 seconds is a myth, apparently started by Starbucks’ training funnily enough. The flavour of a shot definitely dies down as it gets cooler and the crema dissipates, but it’s a matter of minutes rather than seconds before a shot tastes bad.

    Heck it takes more than 10 seconds to get the drink to the clients in every café I’ve worked in. If espresso dies after 10 seconds, I have never served a good espresso. I’ve also apparently never had good espresso at work, because I swear every damn time I pull a shot for myself a client comes right in before I can take a sip :P