sudo make guitar
why my cursor gone?
sudo make guitar
why my cursor gone?
XFCE. it’s dumb, simple, it gives you a panel to access your programs, your desktop icons, and nothing else. I just want my computer to let me do my things, not have a built-in ‘brew a cup of coffee’ button
Fuck I knew it was made with OOP
Rust is good. Not perfect. The borrow checker sometimes can be a pain(cant use immutable reference because already using a mutable reference…), compile times are abysmal.
But the language itself is really solid. It actually gives me similar vibes to using C/C++ but without having to fight the compiler or keep fiddling with CMake for 10 hours just so that it detects that one lib you’re trying to use.
Surprisingly, Rust borrows some inspirations from Python, so it doesn’t feel that foreign and alien, but it still has a learning curve to it, specially with all the different types (eg. u8/i8, u16/i16/f16, u32/i32/f32, u64/i64/f64, usize, &str vs String, etc) But if you ever spent any amount of time with any other language that is on a similar level than C or C++, you’ll be in quite familiar territory
Only thing that I can tell you that you’ll have a whole paradigm shift once it clicks with you, is the use of Structs, impl’s for abstration and traits. Once those clicks with you, the way you approach your code really shifts
Work-wise, I figured out how to deprecate the mess that is multiple apps for the same purpose at work, and instead make a foundation to have the same app on all platforms (Windows, Linux, Web & Android)
First time using Rust on client-side, quite hyped with how stuff with turn out to be
Personal-wise, Had idea for a new game I want to try and make, just gotta puzzle and brainstorm the main character idea and flesh out more of the world itself
The sheer amount of attention to details that the game has is just pure insanity The game has special sound effect that plays, to let you know that the flying homing skulls are literally right behind you, just so that you don’t have to look behind you all the time to know if they’re near or not The complete lack of a user interface yet the game still communicates extremely well how everything works by just… throwing it at you and letting you experiment
Life comes later, the factory must grow
Oy mate!
Good news for DankPods
“Oh hey, I added a button that makes the sword turn red!” “Why is the player teleporting to [0,0] when the sword turns red?” “Okay, I fixed the teleporting bug, but now the sword is blue”
Still can work, because last time Nintendo dared to do that… We got Splatoon
To add over it Quake 1 and 2 are also perfect complementaries to DOOM
No cutscenes, just throw you into the game and let you go wild, while still having a progression
YouTube does depending on the content you upload I had to validate my own documents with Google because a small animation I had posted had made use of copyrighted stuff, and when I went to edit it to remove the copyrighted music, it kept nagging to “validate who I am”
The Wii U is considered Retro
I haven’t switched to Wayland yet cuz I’m stuck with a GT 710, which only supports the 470 series driver, which… Doesn’t really run Wayland. Hopefully some day, I’ll get my hands on a Radeon GPU and then fully migrate to Wayland, cuz my laptop already rocks it with Sway and, no complains at all
(I know about it having EGLStreams support which only GNOME uses, but it has no GBM support, which… well, all other compositors uses)
Hey, I told I was broke before the entire thing happened
We’re in your walls
Bring snacks
Yeah, I tried to reboot, kernel’s gone