For me it’s been communities like /r/buildapc, /r/buildapcforme, /r/buildapcsales, /r/gamedeals, and /r/consoledeals have been useful throughout the years.
For me it’s been communities like /r/buildapc, /r/buildapcforme, /r/buildapcsales, /r/gamedeals, and /r/consoledeals have been useful throughout the years.
Meme/circlejerk/shitposting. Things like r/noncrediblediplomacy, r/linguisitcshumor, r/mapporncirclejerk, r/okbuddyholy (and Weezer in generak).
I’m going to miss my small surrealist meme subreddits
I love a good shitpost, but it probably wouldn’t mesh with the Beehaw ethos.