Does ActivityPub send those to other instances, or does ActivityPub only send the original post and the rest (upvotes, downvotes, replies) are stored only on the original server where the post was made?
Does ActivityPub send those to other instances, or does ActivityPub only send the original post and the rest (upvotes, downvotes, replies) are stored only on the original server where the post was made?
The activities table is cleared out automatically every week, items older than 3 months are deleted. During the update only a smaller number of rows was migrated so the db temporarily was slower. You can manually clear older items in
to free more space.Actually Im wrong about images, turns out that all remote images are mirrored locally in order to generate thumbnails. 0.19 will have an option to disable that. This could use more improvements, the whole image handling is rather confusing now.
Thanks for the info! Ior performance reasons it would be nice to have a way to configure how long the cache is kept rather than disable it completely, but I understand you probably have other priorities.
Would disabling the cache remove images cached up to that point?
You will have to wait for 0.19 to disable it. Pictrs 0.5 will also add a way to clear old images. See the issue: