• XbSuper@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    This is what everyone says, but I’m still not over my first love, and it’s been 20 years. I’ve also never felt love like that since.

    • AFallingAnvil@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      No two loves are the same, you’ll never feel the exact same way again and that’s beautiful.

      My first girlfriend came out as trans, and as I’m straight things didn’t work out. It was incredibly painful and I still mourn the relationship of 7 years, but I also know that my current girlfriend loves me just as much, and that learning the little ways to love and be loved for each person we hold close is a journey that seldom has repeating steps.

      The first time is always the hardest because you never know what’s ahead. No two people are perfectly matched for each other, so after a few people you realize there’s a lot of variation allowed in what you consider dating material as long as they match your core criteria.

      You’ll love again, and you’ll be grateful in a somber way that the ones who came before helped you to be better, and showed just one more way to love. If you look for the exact same thing you’ll probably never find it, but if you allow yourself to be open to new things, and to just enjoy another person’s company you may find something you like just as much again.

      Also, as a final note, don’t go into a new relationship looking for the same feeling of security or whatever that you had with someone you dated for years, these things take time, nurture the love and communicate constantly and with the right partner you’ll get it back.

      I’m rooting for you folks, just take it one step at a time :)

      • XbSuper@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        I hope it’s easier for everyone else, but for me love is over. I’ve come to the point that I’m just not willing to risk the pain for a chance at love, I’d rather just be lonely.

          • XbSuper@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            That’d be nice, but unlikely. I don’t open myself up, or let myself into scenarios where it could happen. I actively avoid women at this point to ensure it never happens. I think I’ve even developed a fear of them.