Donald Trump has launched an unprecedented assault on free speech, using executive orders to suppress viewpoints he opposes.
His administration has targeted DEI initiatives, transgender rights, pro-Palestinian protests, and immigrant advocacy, pressuring organizations to comply or face funding cuts.
The government detained and attempted to deport a Palestinian activist for protesting, revoked federal grants from Columbia University over anti-Semitism claims, and punished law firms opposing Trump.
Media outlets critical of Trump face exclusion from coverage. Lawsuits challenging these actions argue they violate the First Amendment.
Does anyone else think the thumbnail looks like that one scene in The Shining?
Then you use your second amendment for what it is supposedly for
I mean your logic is sound. The second amendment is literally a check against tyranny. Should be counted in the checks and balances.
After enabling Trump and silencing his critics, NOW “The Press” are worried that the first amendment that includes freedom of the Press is being trampled on.
“Hmmm” said the Leopard as he gathered his seasonings.
I find this idea of the press being responsible absurd. I had no problem knowing about him from the press. I mean if you talking fox news or such sure but my local news stations were good as was ap and npr.
I had no problem knowing about him from the press.
Yes, but most outlets heavily sanewash him, so people who don’t keep with the news don’t understand how, well, insane he is.
Sanewash, that is an excellent way to describe it. Well done
Again most is heavily weighted as fox news and the fly by night propoganda outlets that have arisen. Its like im a well respected profession and then a bunch of assholes say they are that profession to and now people talk about how my profession sucks but all the actual professionals with real training and experience are just lumped in.
I’m blaming the press as a whole. Sure you had the “good ones”, but the majority in my opinion were useless.
I still see this as unfair. The legitimate press majority does a somewhat decent job but increasingly bad as not enough depth is put in. The bad is unlimited because it is bullshit. “Newspapers” show up at my door with legitimate sounding names and that takes a whole lot more effort than throwing a website up. These things are not really the press but they technically make up the majority. These fake press entities could care less about the first amendment but the legitimate press does.
At this point with every trump headline, include the phrase … “AND AMERICA IS ALLOWING HIM”
Just the First?
No, no. It’s just that this article is focused on the first one. When the fuck up is so big, you need to break it down to smaller bits to understand it better.
Retain subscribers!Next week we’ll tell you how he’s ripping up the second amendment
certainly not the second. not while they don’t hold all power anyway.
I actually think there will be some restrictions on the second amendment in the next four years. It’ll be targeted at “others;” liberals, minorities, immigrants. But it will be an erosion of the second amendment, and the white “come and take it” crowd will cheer.
thats what I meant though. Once they can reliably control the military and the police they will be going after the second amendment like nobodies business.
Totally agree, although I think it’s likely the police are already on board.
Wow, a headline that actually used “is” instead of some weasel words.
I mean, I think he will ultimately fail to affront the first amendment.
Too much shit our GDP relies on (media as an export, social media platforms) basically requires it to continue to function.
Not saying he won’t try, but I actually have faith in the SCOUTS on this. Certainly not a safe position to hold, but…
I mean, I think he will ultimately fail to affront the first amendment.
As has been eagerly demonstrated by for-profit companies and their lackies, many in the US are happy to self-censor. The chilling effect will be more than sufficient, as has already been shown, to subvert anything left of a “free press”, and individuals will have all the weight of the economic and political power imbalance thrown at them to make an example and this will chill speech, as the Columbia Student kidnapping by the brownshirts shows.
What I am suggesting is the kidnapping of the Columbia student will instill fear but will not ultimately lead to his deportation or any charge of any crime and ultimately he will be free to protest again.
I hope I’m right.
You may be right, you may not. My point is, whether him or something else, the point is to instill fear to chill such speech, and that will be successful regardless as it will go unpunished.
Yeah we’re saying the same thing from different angles.
Good luck with that
10/10 excellent addition thank you for that nuanced input.
Help us and the world Iran.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
Not to worry, all the deuce alphas will surely rise up to stanch the flow of tyranny into our democratic norms.
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