welcome to the weekly how’s your week going thread

this thread is a pretty straightforward and relaxed one for giving updates on how your week is going and chat like that. nothing special

on my front: last week was total chaos, so hoping for things to calm down this week because it is completely fucking up my groove; unfortunately reddit is not making that easy. this is also not ideally timed for my emotional state. anyways, read book 20 for the year (America City by Chris Beckett). on book 21. maybe i’ll marathon through a bunch of these in between keeping the site from being on fire

  • alyaza [they/she]@beehaw.orgOPM
    1 year ago

    oh cool, our landlord is finally fixing the fucking hole in our bathroom ceiling (has been there for like an entire ass year). nice of them to eventually get around to it, i guess

    • alyaza [they/she]@beehaw.orgOPM
      1 year ago

      to give you guys some perspective this wasn’t a little hole either. they had to take out an entire, probably 2ft by 2ft, square panel of the ceiling (there was a leak upstairs which fucked everything up). we’ve been living with that just casually above the bathtub for an eternity. very stupid, and landlords should not exist

    • JCPhoenix@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      A year?!

      Reminds me of back in April 2021 when the building’s chiller unit died. So no AC. It was unseasonably hot during that time, peaking into the upper 80s/low 90s F (~30-33C). Overnight, the temps were still pretty elevated, especially since this was in the middle of the city, which meant lots of heat radiating off the streets, buildings, etc.

      It took the apartment managers like 4 weeks to get it fixed. People were starting organize protests. Our apartments ended up on the news.

      They did buy me a portable AC though. And they gave my brother and I like half off rent for the month. Still sucked. Thank god I don’t live there anymore, since that wasn’t the only issue we experienced.

      Hopefully you were able or will be able to wring some concessions out of them for them waiting a whole ass year!

      • alyaza [they/she]@beehaw.orgOPM
        1 year ago

        Hopefully you were able or will be able to wring some concessions out of them for them waiting a whole ass year!

        haha, no. what we we gonna do, move? there’s no housing around here that’s affordable, and we barely afford this place as is. we did get a new dishwasher, but that was incidental and also a thing they broke and didn’t fix for like six months.