I’ve been kind of piece-mealing my way towards cleaning up my media server, and could use a little advice on the next steps.

Currently I have a little under 10TB of torrented media that I have been downloading to / seeding from media library folders that Plex and Jellyfin monitor, using my desktop PC as the torrenting client. This requires a bit of manual maintenance–i.e., manually selecting the destination folder for the torrents in a way that Plex/Jellyfin can see.

I recently fired up qBittorrent on my media server (Unraid if that matters), and would like to try out some of the *arrs, but I’m not quite sure how to proceed without creating some kind of unholy mess.

I guess option A is just to import all of my current torrented content from desktop to media server client, and keep manually specifying the torrent destination. It’s not a huge deal, since I am typically only adding a few torrents per week, so it’s literal seconds or minutes of work to find the content I want.

Option B is to start “clean” and follow one of the many how-tos for starting up an *arr stack. But never having used the software, I don’t have a good sense for how it works, and whether there are any pitfalls to watch out for when trying to spin it up with an existing media library that includes both torrented and ripped content.

From a bit of reading, I think radarr for example will only care about new content. So I should be able to migrate all my existing torrents to the new client on my media server, including their existing locations amongst my media library, and then just let radarr locate and manage new content. Is that correct?

Any other advice or suggestions I should be considering?

  • merthyr1831@lemmy.ml
    21 days ago

    Yeah it’s pretty much seamless. You just spin them up bare metal or docker (both are fine honestly) and follow any old tutorial for setup.

    If using docker, ensure you mount the qbittorrent’s download folder to /config/Downloads with a capital D or you’ll get a warning about paths being set up wrong.

    Also, I assume this isn’t really an issue for you unless you mess with the downloads after the fact, but *arrs expect the torrented media inside a folder with the title of the media on it. It picks through torrent naming conventions fine, but when I migrated some movies yesterday I noticed it wouldnt pick up any video files that weren’t inside a directory.