I have been having a very nice run today with: 4x one drops (ideally some scalers) Zabu and Psylock Wiccan storm Legion and Blink Loki (or some other stuff generator)

plus some cheap stuff. The dream is to play cards in the order above, something like sunspot - zabu - wiccan - 2drop + storm - legion the flooding and lock the opponent out on turn 6. But most every game I either get the full scam combo, or the wiccan line. Retreat if you don’t start with a one drop (which is quite rare).

  • leonprimrose@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    I don’t know if calling it scam is accurate. The disruption in scam sounds more like part of the Mill strategy in Snap than Wiccan. Generally speaking, your goal for a storm-Legion combo is with a War Machine so you still get to do things on 6. But that’s harder since the storm nerf. Wiccan usually slots with cards like Quicksilver and Maria Hill and such and then a top end. I feel like your dream order might be too unlikely to be long term consistent. That said if it’s working for you that’s great :)