Not sure if this is the right place to ask or if anyone can help me, but today, I installed the ubuntu ISO & converted it to a bootable format on an 128GB SD card (All my USBs are too small) I ran the installer as normal & here’s where I think I messed up. I allocated a 27GB partition for linux but that option didnt apper on the installer upon being asked where to install to. Thinking nothing of it, I ran the installer clicking on the install to drive option & halfway through it failed saying something like Error16 Drive is busy & the installation was only half done. now on attempt to restart windows is completely gone & all I can do is boot up a very fragmented Ubuntu without internet & firefox works very slowly. If anyone can help, then it’s appreciated. I’ve always wanted to try Linux & just got an SD card large enough to do it, but now this happens.

  • Fonzie!
    4 months ago

    Or better yet:

    • Run the live Linux environment, run gparted, wipe every partition of the disk
    • Reinstall Windows
    • Launch Windows, launch dskmng, shrink Windows by the needed amount (having another OS shrink it might break it)
    • Reinstall Linux, it should offer to install alongside the other system if there’s enough space