See longer post (not by me) there, if all is true then they should fall under both the spam and mass rule breaking defederation rules, both bigotry and abusive language, though not always in combination.

Also the covenant thing Mastodon has would probably be a good idea.

    1 year ago

    Sounds reasonable, as always.

    I just wanted to say, the high degree of federation was a big reason for me to join I generally like to decide for myself what content I want to see or engage with (which does not mean I endorse it), and am grateful this instance allows me that.

    However, like OP, I also cross-posted the post to other communities since there are limits to tolerance. Some folks just love to push the limits, using “free speech” to push agendas which I cannot condone.

    For the time being, I’m happy the issue received attention and hope defederation will be used carefully as a measure of last resort.