Thanks for improving my vocabulary 🙏 I mean it, or I wouldn’t have asked. Now can offer you a cup of tea?
Thanks for improving my vocabulary 🙏 I mean it, or I wouldn’t have asked. Now can offer you a cup of tea?
Sorry, late reply. Not a native speaker, and although I know a bit of english, I struggle with some culinary terms. I thought broil was when you heat water just below boiling point, like 80°C instead of 100°. What’s the term for that? It’s more like poaching 😅
The green variety you shouldn’t brew as hot Just a broil (is that the word?) And also leave it longer in the “stew”
You mean you can’t figure it? It’s solely the best compression tool around that you can think of.
You’re so right. Azores (a part of Portugal) produces some great tea. Love the green variety
Fun fact: in metric you don’t get as much shrinkage
That looks pretty. And I bet it tastes how it looks
What phase of cesar hair-do is he on? Goldy locks?
Is there life elsewhere on the universe?
Most likely
Does it move?
Shoot it
This is probably funny in a way I don’t understand, because I miss the reference, and will most likely regret posting this because everyone will learn me now
You might be overthinkya 😅
I don’t want to go on a wikipedia hunt right now, for potato starch, but if you could educate me further, I would appreciate it
Potatoes are a grain? Actually where do potatoes come from? I know they can come from other potatoes, but of course there must be a grain.
These are the hard questions
Now you got me curious about photons, I mean what is wrong with your tongue? Thoughts and prayers
Or just eat them by night. It’s pretty hard to escape those thousand year photons specifically targeting OP’s icecream by day
So can I still have my tea or what? I’m inclined to trusting you over some barcelonians
The problem is not teens accessing social media, they’re just bored or don’t know any better
The problem is what adults post on those social media.
If anything teens should have social media of their own, where no elder boomers are allowed
Sorry, I didn’t explain myself well (although you got it). I didn’t mean the burden is on you, more that you were setting yourself up for a “burden of proof is on you” argument
I too find this such a nice refreshing take on wikipedia. It’s only been a few days, hope the developer improves it further. I realize some kind of recommendation algorithm opens a pandora’s box, but one can dream