Zuck will convince him to keep the ban in place, as he benefits the most. There’s a reason Zuck has kissed the ring.
Assistant to the Vice President
Vice Vice President Vance
Danish Cookies for everyone!!
Yay for fellow exmo coffee drinkers!
My favorite T-shirt:
Alt Text
College Board issues aside, I have fond memories of TI-BASIC, writing in it a 3D graphing engine and a stock market analyzer. With enough patience, I could make anything … but friends. (Although with my chatterbot experiments, I certainly tried.)
Another story is a bit on the nose now, but is about radicalization caused by a failing medical industry. It was written in 2019.
Cory Doctorow wrote a book called “Radicalized”. One part (there are 4 short stories) is about a rich billionaire who has a bunker when things go to shit, and he invites like 20 people to live with him there, then follows as they fail trying to live there. It’s worth a read
This is Propublica at their best. Definitely read this (they have an audio option as well if you rather)
Colorado did this, to similar success:
I use FreeTube for my youtube viewing. I have a plugin in Firefox called “Freetube Redirect” that does this for me. It works perfectly.
In 305 CE, Diocletian became the first Roman emperor to abdicate. He also declined multiple requests to come out of retirement, telling his colleagues that he preferred staying at home and growing cabbages to being emperor.
Find out what is legal in your state:
Fantastic charity/advocacy group there too.
All profits are exported out of the community, instead of staying/swirling about the community.
TABs gang rise up!
Thanks O’Biden
Thanks for the background there. I’ve subbed to this new LOTR community!
Sting made an album of John Dowland songs, with readings of various letters he wrote.
Songs From The Labyrinth