Right?? Even at my peak fitness, my fastest mile was about 4:10 and I literally puked after just doing one mile (and I definitely didn’t keep running afterwards). Here’s this dude maintaining that speed for 13 miles.
Right?? Even at my peak fitness, my fastest mile was about 4:10 and I literally puked after just doing one mile (and I definitely didn’t keep running afterwards). Here’s this dude maintaining that speed for 13 miles.
That’s simply insane. ~13.1 miles (~21.1 km) at <57 minutes is such an incredible pace. That averages out to about 4:20 minutes per mile, or 2:42 minutes per kilometer.
Content has to arrive first for users to consume. It really is a “both” type of response to some extent.
In my opinion, the solution is for content creators to simultaneously release on alternative platforms while also maintaining a YouTube presence so they’re still making money from that. However, they should start heavily advertising the alternative platforms on every video and transitioning to a different payment model (e.g. Patreon, Ko-fi, Indiegogo, etc). Content creators could organize with other creators to coordinate the transition. If you got huge channels like Digital Foundry, Linus Tech Tips, GamersNexus, etc (for the PC gaming scene, as an example) to agree, then that’s already millions of users. It begins a snowball effect.
That being said, as far as I’m aware, there aren’t any alternative platforms that can handle the bandwidth that supports millions of users simultaneously, along with thousands of content creators uploading and processing large videos regularly. There’s a reason YouTube has such a monopoly, and their vast wealth of pre-existing content is the main component, but not the only one.
And yet Gen Z turned out for… Trump? He’ll surely help the economy and enable a new era of magically plentiful high paying, stable jobs.
Worked for me. But it just brings me to a Zoom meeting, I’d rather it go to a website for some actual information before wasting time on a live event.
Google does in fact have a self-driving car. You may have heard of it: https://waymo.com/
But captcha is mainly about fingerprinting users versus using it to train self driving models. Google is primarily an advertising company, so being able to track users’ browsing patterns is more useful to their core business model.
Reviews on the Firefox one says it requires you to download and install another app for it to work. Screw that nonsense.
Yes. They’ve likely already downloaded everything. But the main concern from my perspective was them having continued access and essentially being able to hold our government hostage, so this order at least pulls their access from the live system.
This is the type of gangster shit I like to see, versus the unpatriotic thugs that Musk’s mafia have roaming around.
Sometimes this one place gives me $20 of food before closing when I only intended to spend $5 so the upsell kinda hurts
But that upsell is strictly self-inflicted. If it’s before closing, I can almost guarantee the staff are just hooking you up because a large amount of that food is just going to go to waste since most restaurants require things to get thrown away (e.g. if it’s a deli, some of the meats may have hit their shelf life limit).
I’d just tip what you can comfortably afford and what you feel isn’t insulting (e.g. tipping someone like $0.50 on a $20+ order). I always follow the 15-20% rule, and possibly higher in some circumstances. But I don’t know, I haven’t worked food in 20 years, so maybe the manners/expectations have changed nowadays. Also depends where you live.
deleted by creator
It still existed when I did the same thing a year ago or so. They implemented it awhile back to try and avoid antitrust lawsuits around the world. Though, now that Zuckerberg has formally started sucking this regime’s dick, I wouldn’t be surprised if it goes away.
HDR in movies/TV shows that support it look phenomenal on a good monitor/TV, especially if you have OLED. Games, on the other hand, I have yet to see any that actually look improved with it.
How many consumer goods are even made in the US besides food? I know we do make some things, but 90% of the stuff at Walmart is imported crap.
I use Walmart as the example since that’s where most of the GOP voter base lives and breathes.
Sure, I can definitely see that as an issue for Lemmy especially. I haven’t used Mastodon in awhile (microblog format doesn’t really appeal to me outside of when I’m looking for sales), but I had thought that the main mobile app defaulted to the biggest instance there. Is that not the case?
Agreed. Parents and kids’ childhoods do play a huge role in how they ultimately turn out. However, there are near infinite variables during their development, many of which are completely outside our control. The best thing we can do is like you said, educate, mentor, and physically and emotionally support them as best we can. Sometimes, kids just grow into douchebag adults.
Anyway, OP, at the party you should totally just act like Mac, Charlie, and Dennis when they steal Frank’s credit card and think they’re rich.
I was tired last night, toddler hasn’t let me sleep much.
I think I poorly conveyed that I do prefer Steam, and do think Epic’s launcher is lacking. My point is, getting into the gaming retail business has a crazy upfront cost, so if GOG closes shop (which isn’t so crazy to speculate: https://cdaction-pl.translate.goog/publicystyka/wielkie-zwolnienia-w-gog-u-pracownicy-naswietlaja-wewnetrzne-problemy-firmy-tylko-u-nas?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp&_x_tr_hist=true the original article was in Polish, thus the google translate link), that leaves only Epic competing with Steam. If epic eventually concludes they can’t pull enough marketshare to continue justifying the crazy money they’ve spent trying to attract users from Steam with all their sales, that’ll leave zero competition to Steam. I for one don’t condone monopolies.
Alternatively, studios could just start releasing physical media again, but we all know that’ll never happen…
Steam’s voice chat/partying functionality is garbage. Discord is widely used for a reason. Remote Play is hit or miss, but I’ve largely resorted to using Moonlight instead on my Steam Deck because it’s more reliable and stable. The guides on Steam vary wildly from game to game, just depends on the community support for it. It is nice when there’s good stuff available, as it is somewhat convenient (though I wished it saved my spot on the page, I constantly have to scroll to where I left off on guides whenever I do use them). Lutris and NonSteamLauncher makes running Epic on Linux a non-issue.
I get it, Epic is a lackluster launcher. No one’s arguing otherwise. But it’s hardly a huge barrier to playing games.
Not really. Games would’ve gone digital either way, it was the obvious path to go. Steam might’ve sped up that process by a few years, but pretending that without steam, digitalization of the games industry would’ve never happened is naive at best and dishonest at worst.
And yet consoles still have physical game copies available all these years later. Why is PC so much different?
And I’m not saying to be happy that Epic is competition, I’m saying that if GOG dies, you’ll only really have Steam and Epic. That sucks ass, but it’s still better than only having ONE option. And like I said, once Gabe is gone, I 100% believe Valve will go full on enshitification mode. I wouldn’t have to worry as much if I could still buy physical fucking copies of modern PC games.
As for Epic competing by creating better platform, I completely agree. Their launcher has made improvements, but it is still very bare bones and not great. I try to remember that tons of common sense software features we take for granted get patented. Hell, that’s why so many streaming services felt so much shittier than Netflix for so long. It’s not as straightforward as just emulating what Steam does but slightly better. That’s still no excuse though, and they still fall very short of offering the mostly comfortable user experience we’ve grown accustomed to. Steam didn’t start off where they’re at now, they’ve had 20 years with an entire company dedicated to developing it.
My main point is, we all love Steam and Valve because they’ve been a mostly ethical corporation so far as well as mostly improving the experience of PC gaming, especially with Linux (minus expediting and enabling 100% digitization so they could attain better profit margins on Half-Life 2 sales). But nothing lasts forever, and pure monopolies are bad. Fuck Epic for buying exclusive rights for third party games, but in this specific context, it is their game, so it is what it is.
Haven’t there been 4?
I just looked it up and yeah, there have been 4 in just a few weeks: https://www.fox4news.com/news/deadly-plane-crashes-2025-timeline