• 61 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • Too often, I would agree with you yes. But it’s also in the context of how they’re crying and the way that they are crying. There’s a type of crying where for example, a commander is leading troops across the battlefield, watched longtime friends get blown apart and the commander sits down and just quietly cries after the battle. Whether the commander is male or female isn’t going to matter. Most people would say OK that’s reasonable level of emotion for the commander.

    That little context, there is what too many directors and producers don’t understand. The emotion has to fit the character and has to fit the scene In order for it to be believable…

    As far as the whole bossy and bitchy versus assertive comparing men to women. Again, I can’t speak for what other people think and say

    can only speak for my personal point of view. Where I have a real problem with it is when actors and actresses aren’t taught appropriately to be assertive without being bitchy. Men generally are able to pick up on it easier. Women sometimes they don’t pick up on it and they’ve gotta have voice Training. Now that is not saying all women are that way so I don’t want somebody coming back and saying hey this guy just said all women arethis way. Well no I didn’t. But many times women don’t have the role models needed in their life to understand how to be assertive. Well, how do you act assertive on a movie screen if nobody’s ever taught you how to be assertive?

    It would be no different than if somebody asked me to lead troops and combat well I don’t know how to do that. I wouldn’t knowhow to be assertive in that manner so I doubt I’d do it very well. Or for example, if somebody said hey, go repair that engine well if nobody’s ever showing me how to do it I don’t think I’d be able todo it. Given ones a technical skill and one’s a skill of how to project your voice, but if you’ve never had somebody show you howto do it or teach you how to do it and you’ve never had a role model in that manner. You might have a hard time it.

  • I can’t speak for anyone else. But for me personally. I don’t mind if they have a female or male lead. What I care about is if the story and characters are believable. Many times it’s like they just said well here we are going to have a female lead just because. Yet when you look at the story and at the character it doesn’t make sense.

    Ex :

    A strong female lead who is supposed to be commanding people and yet when she gives commands it just comes across as bitchy not assertive. And when you look at the story the character wouldn’t have the training to be able to know even what to do.

    It’s like the director and writers just had to put a female on the screen.

    The above example is just an example not meant to point at a specific movie or show.

    A few of movies where they did it right.

    The women in the movie Red. That was excellent writing and acting. The original Alien movie was awesome. Oh yeah and Mr and Mrs Smith kicked ass Angelina was awesome in that movie

    To many current movies just feel like a board room full of people with an agenda of let’s make a movie with a female lead without asking if the scenario makes sense.

    This is just my opinion as I can’t speak for others.

  • If i simply said hi to someone and they screamed I HEARD YOU, I would literally think fine then I won’t say hi again.

    This is something called human nature. If you act like an ass to me then I will stop talking to you. The fact that you don’t see that says not only do you have anger issues, I would ask if you are sociopathic or bipolar. You need serious help either way. Even if you aren’t either of those you need to figure out how to fix this. You won’t have many friends if you keep going this way.

    You call it tough love but trust be very few people on the entire planet would call it anything other then being an asshole.

    There is a way to help people without being a jerk about it.

    To answer the question of : do people find it a turnoff?

    Hell yes. Why would they find it any other thing then a turn off? People don’t enjoy being treated that way.

    You praise men and ignore women and you think that’s ok. That’s a serious disconnect from reality. Wanting women to improve themselves is good, but this is NOT the way to do it.

    Again I would encourage you to get help.

  • Depends are we taking annoying stuff?

    Then it might be that you didn’t understand their sense of humor.

    Are we talking rude things ? It’s hard to say. Without being there I would hesitate to judge in either direction. Was it that they were actually being rude and are just an asshole? Was it not that bad and you don’t get their sense of humor? Is it that you actually have no sense is humor? It’s difficult to know without a lot more detail.

    The fat ass… That is difficult to judge… Yeah up front I’d say yeah it’s rude and would never do it. But I do know people that do talk to each other that way and neither person has no problem with it. Again I wouldn’t but I’m not there so… It’s hard to say why that exact group does it.

  • You’re not gonna like my answer, our chance to do something was back in November. Our chance to keep this from happening was in November. As a nation we chose the opposite path. We chose the opposite path, knowing full well what Trump was going to do. He didn’t hide it. He didn’t disguise it. He didn’t pretend to be anything other than who he was. And yet the nation still voted for him .

    As a nation, we knew if we voted for Republicans and for Trump, this would be the result.

    He directly said he wanted to remove birthright citizenship.

    Let’s put that in slightly different terms.

    We voted so that:

    A president of the United States could remove the benefits of a constitutional amendment, Or could remove a constitutional amendment altogether via an executive order. We voted so that a president could do that without congressional oversight, unilaterally, via an executive order.

    How anybody who believes in democracy would say that that is a good idea and could not see the red flag is completely beyond me.

    There is literally no excuse.

    We voted so that not only could Trump do this, but any president could do this. Think about it , if you give President Trump the ability to remove the benefits a constitutional amendment via an executive order, you give every single president from now on that same ability.

    I don’t care which side of the aisle you’re on that doesn’t end well.

    One side could say well I don’t like the second amendment and remove the benefits of the second amendment. One side might say I don’t like protesting and seriously limit your ability. Or your ability to speak out against the government.

    Hell, they could even limit your ability to vote that’s in the constitution and part of that is in the constitutional amendment so how is this a good idea?

    Yet as a nation, this is how we voted.

    Once you give a politician ability to do something, they will not give up that power without a fight and they will keep using that power.

    This does not end well , it will not end well , and we are only seeing the beginning.

    Republicans control the house, the Senate, the presidency and a fair amount of the federal court systems. We also have a fair amount of red states.

    There is zero ability to undo this.

    Absolutely zero.

    Even if we somehow voted out Republicans come next election do you think the Democrats are gonna give up this ability? I’m sorry to tell you this no they won’t. They’ll use it. By the way, I don’t believe Democrats will win the next election. I believe Republicans will take the midterms. I believe they will take the presidency come next presidential election. And new president will have two terms. Which means we will have 12 years as a Republican lead country.

    By that point people will be so used to the new system. People adapt quickly, and I doubt you will even get the pushback needed.

    You’re asking, how do we fight back?

    I’m sorry to tell you this we are well and truly fucked.

    Maybe in 60 years, we might see a turnaround. I doubt it though.