Keep it light, keep it moving.
I am doing no harm.
Or, as it’s often the case, informed! Many people hate not just out of ignorance but also because everyone else is doing it but they don’t know why.
During the Lavender Scare, some homophobic government officials had to be explicitly informed what being gay meant because they were operating/ruining lives on a vague idea. :/
Ok this one’s new to me!
Oh, good. I was thinking about buying one but I guess I won’t anymore.
Guess Who USA Conservative Politics edition, how fun!
Does your person wear a mustache? Has your person been convicted of voter fraud and campaign embezzlement at once? Does your person wear a hat? Has your person been caught sucking dick under a bathroom stall?
Ok but Robin was downright mad! And I loved that for him. RIP
I’m down for a powwow! Or *looks around*… twenty.
The Gang Fixes the Climate Crisis
I bet it tastes like it, too! Yum yum.
I know it’s fake because Trump would be serving nothing but fast food.
Aren’t there better plants? I remember reading that some forms of algae are way more efficient or something like that.
Held hands? No. Not everyone has the time, energy or training to evaluate a site’s trust comprehensively. I want to see what other people think in case they spot what I missed. I also want to see if people are even taking about the site and why.
I mean, can you imagine? There are so many sites out there I can’t spend three hours fact-checking one for the sake of replying to an argument. And then all that work going to waste for the benefit of nobody else.
Yeah, I’ve also looked into MBFC and found it was more grounded than what Lemmings were saying.
I always found it suspicious why people here would rather choose no fact checking than some. Is it the old “don’t let perfection ruin a good plan” again or other motives? Hmm.
Sorry, I’m largely ignorant of the US government, but can’t another branch create their own alternative and keep on trucking? Assuming there’s an initiative and they have the votes, ofc.
I know of one immigrant in particular who should be fired.
Beliving nothing can be done
This one in particular has been so corrosive. I believe if people believed in their vote, something would change. But the electoral college does more harm than good by diluting the vote. Couple that with gerrymandering to completely erode people’s trust in the system.
Same. I’m so mad and disappointed in America, but I can’t let that override my compassion for its people. This whole thing is so frustrating to watch. Look at how the French do it, Americans! It’s time to break some shit.
I wouldn’t say so, but everyone reacts differently. At least the gummies I buy still leave me with a craving for smoking. It’s just not the same for me. Lol
Mexico. We’re very happy here, honestly!
We got our first woman president who keeps wowing us with comprehensive initiatives and continuing the work of our last president who got us on the right track. Great reforms are happening after a long string of corrupt presidencies that were more interested in personal gain. We had actual government efficiency reviews that cut down on misappropriated funds that have now been reinvested. And we’re expanding our exports to things like chipset manufacturing and growing our infrastructure.
Our public spaces are prettier, cleaner, more accessible, and quite modern here in the large cities. I know that my city alone is not what it used to be 10 or even 5 years ago. I keep saying we’re not a third world country anymore. We’re on our up and up so long as the international powers that be allow it.