Elmo has no right to bodyshame when he looks like this:
(sorry, here’s some eye bleach)
Elon Musk looks like a Mads Mikkelsen wax figure melting in the sunlight.
While funny…
Every decent person should have left twitter a long time ago
Fuck em, let them have their echo chamber. You’re not “fighting the good fight” you’re giving them a common enemy.
Leave it to just racists and they’ll start fighting over who isn’t racist enough and the movement implodes.
Someone needs to _________ Elon
You choose the word
Something, something, other mario
I had initial doubts about J. B., being a billionaire and all, but the dude is surprisingly grounded. He’s made a lot of positive changes in the state and not for the monied interests. Glad he’s on our side and way to stick it to that garbage person.
“He puts ketchup on his hot dogs”
Based logical positivist.