Title, very excited it looks so good! Note, it’s not the original developers making it (Tarsier), it’s now Supermassive Games.
There’s a Little Nightmares II?
There’s also a little nightmares mobile game which isn’t half bad either.
Yes, I still prefer 1 but it’s great. Has ray tracing too.
I just watched the trailer. I was travelling a lot when it was released, so I guess it just flew under my radar. I’ll have to check it out!
I was the other way! I never heard of the first game. Then I see the trailer for number 2 and then played both.
Since early 2021, looks like it has 80s on metacritic
I was over the moon for a second because of the studio switch. But I goofed and was thinking Supergiant Studios, not Supermassive. Still, Supermassive has some decent hitters under the belt. Hopefully everything goes well.
Fuck yeah! I’m still waiting for Broken Veil (The original devs)
I need to play little nightmare 1. I got it in my Steam library.
Man, still need to go finish the 2nd. I stopped playing after a game breaking bug was encountered that was never fixed… Didn’t want the start the entire chapter over and never got back into it to finish it. Once I do eventually do that, I might get the 3rd when it releases.
I’m still playing through II. It’s not as immersive as the first one, but the mannequins in Chapter 3 were able to terrify me in a way none of the monsters in the first game could.